Loki Solo

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Loki: Ok. Hello Midguardians. I have managed to lose Lumeo in the forest. Somehow.
Lumeo: *yelling from far away* LOKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
Loki: yeesh. She's got attachment problems. Like serious ones. So today I will be doing the thing you least expect a villain like me to do. BAKE COOKIES! Come on. I have to find a way to persuade people to join my army. Also this is a recipe that my mother, Frigga taught me. *pulls out ingredients and gets to work* you really thought I was gonna teach you that recipe? No. *begins humming the Lamby Lamby song*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ten Seconds Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*Lumeo bursts through wall of studio*
Lumeo: *hisses* Lokiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Loki: Oh shizzle. *drops everything and runs*
Lumeo: *sprints after him and hisses* My Lokiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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