Chapter 17

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We were now several weeks into summer. My parents had come back the first two weeks to make sure I was okay but then had to leave again on business. I had pretty much recovered from what had happened during the last week of school. I had been staying with the Weasley most of summer break since my parents were gone. Sometime I really miss them but being with the Weasleys helped. The Weasleys were my family, always had been, always will be.

I was currently helping Fred and George de-gnome the garden for Molly.

"Nasty little buggers," George said pulling one out of the ground making a face at it.

I just laughed looking toward him.

"Dinner!" Molly yelled from the house.

We stood up starting to walk back to the house. I heard a pop coming from both sides of me meaning the Fred and George had apparated back to the house. They had been doing that a lot this summer now that they were able too.

Fred and I had told our parents about our relationship when we got back from summer break. They were all excited for us, especially Molly. She had told me she always thought of me as a daughter and was excited at the fact that I could possibly become one.

I walked into the house seeing Molly scold the twins for scaring her by apparating. I walked over to the sink to wash the dirt off of my hand. Once I was finished I took my seat at the table in between Fred and George.

"We're going to be leaving tomorrow kids, so you'll all need to pack your bags tonight," said Mr.Weasley.

"Leaving" said Ron.

"Where are we going?" asked Ginny.

Molly and Arthur looked at each other before Arthur turned back toward us.

"We are going to be staying at the headquarter of the Order if the Phoenix for the rest of the summer," he said.

"Headquarters?" George said confused.

"Order of the Phoenix?" Fred said in a questioning tone, "What's that?"

Arthur took a deep breath before continuing to speak, "The Order of the Phoenix is a secret organization Dumbledore formed back during the first Wizarding War. Many of our friends were apart of it, including your parent Mallorie."

"Why do we have to go stay at there headquarters?" asked Ginny.

"Well in light of events that have happened in the past month Dumbledore believes it is best to reassemble the order with the remaining members," said Arthur.

"Mallorie, with your parent being away for most of the summer they have agreed that it would be best if you stayed with us at headquarters this summer," said Molly.

I nodded my head letting her know I understood. Dinner was mainly finished in silence which was typically unusual for this house but not so unusual anymore. Things had been rocky this summer with everything going on. Everyone was scared about what was going to happen.

It didn't help that Percy had completely abandoned the family after and argument with Arthur. Molly was completely devastated and only recently stopped crying at the mention of his name. We all finished dinner and went up to bed. I followed the the twins up to their room to get ready for bed. Fred had charmed his childhood twin bed to be bigger so that we could both sleep comfortably on it.

I was laying in bed focusing on the soft snores coming from George. He always was able to fall asleep easily, even when his mind was flooded with thoughts.

"Are you alright?" Fred asked next to me causing me to jump.

"Bloody Hell, Fred. I thought you were sleeping," I whispered.

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