|| Chapter XXIII ||

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Word Count : 1422 words


( 10 Years Ago ) 
( Dabi POV )

I slowly lifted my hood up, and set out into the posh locality of Meguro, East Tokyo.

After walking a fair distance, I took a shortcut through the alley opposite Hamamatsu, and soon entered Meguro.

The date was 5th July.

After avoiding a few Pros here and there, and finally stood in front of the sprawling (L/N) Mansion.

The place had been wrecked beyond recovery. The Heroes were still trying to do their jobs of cleaning up the bodies, but were doing it half-heartedly.

I grimaced at the sight.

No child should go through this hell.

A soft nuzzle roused me out of my thoughts, and I turned my head back ever so slightly to catch a glimpse of a small black-haired boy on my back.

"You awake, kid?"

He sleepily rubbed his eyes, and nodded at my direction.

The sun was slowly setting. The days were slowly getting shorter, and there was only just enough light to see where you were going.

"You're sure you wanna go through with this?" I asked one last time, but the kid remained adamant, and nodded vigorously.

"Well then, this was your house. Which way do we enter to avoid those Heroes?"

"..... from the side," he replied softly after a pause, and buried his head in my neck again.

"Don't fall asleep again," I muttered under my breath, and I set off in the direction the kid had pointed me in.

We soon entered dense shrubbery, and I walked deeper into the garden that threatened to swallow me whole.

We had walked a fair distance from the road. This part of the (L/N) Mansion was inaccessible from the outside if you didn't know what you were searching for.

After walking a few more meters, he pulled my collar, signaling me to stop.


"Here," he replied slowly, and pointed at the massive brick wall that separated the (L/N)s from the world.

"..... this is a wall, kiddo."


(F/N) slowly jumped off my back, and held my hand tightly.

He pulled me, and nudged me to follow. I complied.

The kid drew out his other hand, and started feeling around on the wall. I raised my eyebrows in suspicion, but did not say anything.

"This one."

His small hands stopped over certain brick, even though it looked exactly the same as all others on that wall.

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