|| Chapter XXXIX ||

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Word Count : 1391 words 


( Location : ?)
( ? POV )

A blood red, fleeting expanse stretched out ahead of me. One that I could see no end to. Every direction seemed to mirror the previous, and I struggled to focus my vision. Soon, the unfamiliar environment cleared up, and I was greeted with nothing but red. A sky which bled red. A dark, maroon ground, which did not give off the slightest echo as I fruitlessly tried to trudge across it.

My head..... hurts.....

What..... is this place?

I picked myself up. There's nothing around. There was no one around. My footsteps did not make the slightest tremor. It was like walking through cushioned air.

A ghastly voice emanated from behind me, and I scrambled to find out the source.

"Who's there?"

I did not receive any response. An eerie silence settled over the empty, deserted lands.

I tried to activate my quirk.

But nothing happened. My vision tainted red, but nothing out of the ordinary. My quirk wasn't working.

A sharp, piercing pressure dug through my temple, and I buckled under the sheer pain. I whimpered on the ground, and I tugged on my long, silver hair, hoping it would alleviate the pain.



I turned to face the voice again. But I could not pinpoint the source. The black clouds on in the sky continued to move on mindlessly towards its undecided destination.

But the voice..... it sounded awfully familiar.

I walked ahead, trying to ignore the searing pain continuing to throb in my head. I had to find a way out of here.

"Get away, Yui! That's my candy!"

"Nii-nii is evil!"

I continued to walk ahead in search of an exit, ignoring the voices behind me. I walked ahead, hoping that the voice would give up on me, and leave me alone.

But the sensation continued. I continued to rack my head, and try and distinguish the familiarity of that voice. A voice that I felt oddly satisfying to hear. One that made the pain in my head disappear, if only for a slight instant. A soft, masculine voice, coupled with another feminine voice that sounded like me.

I stopped in my tracks, processing my own words. The silent wind howled ominously.

I get it now.

That voice.

It doesn't just sound like me.

It is me.

It's in my head.

Everything that's happening right now, is in my head. None of this is real. It's just my mind playing tricks on me. It's been doing that quite often these days.

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