|| Chapter XXVII ||

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Word Count : 2352 words 


( Location : Hosu City )
( (F/N) (L/N) POV )

My mobile phone beeped up.

I flipped it open to find a new telegram from the UA Traitor.

Interning in Musutafu. Cannot come to base. Using burner phone. Don't reply back.

I shut the phone off after deleting the message.

In other words, they're saying that they won't be of much help in the coming few days for the League, since they're interning with a Pro Hero. After all, it does get exponentially harder to slip out from under the nose of a respected Pro itself.

Plus, they're currently in Musutafu, while the rest of the League and I had set up temporary base in Hosu City, in Stain's abode.

"I don't understand why we're in Hosu City," Shigaraki groaned. "Are you doing this for Stain?"

"Precisely. It's important for us to gain Stain's trust. It's not enough for just me to be close to Stain. The rest of you guys need to accept him as well. He's an incredibly valuable addition to the League."

"I won't complain of his worth, but isn't this going too far? In addition, Stain's a nutjob. He's a psycho."

"If we can have you in our team, we can have anyone in our team," I said nonchalantly. Dabi choked on his water.

"Tch..... damn kids these days," Crusty said in an annoyed voice. "Don't know how to respect their elders....."

"Wait, Crusty. How old are you?"



"What the fuc---"

Dabi choked on his water again.


( Third Person POV )

"So, Gran Torino-sensei, we're going to Shinjuku..... for what again?" Midoriya asked nervously.

"Stop freaking out, kid. Shinjuku is a big city. Tons of Pro Heroes, and in tandem, tons of crimes, petty thefts and vandalism. It's a haven for law-breakers. We're obviously going for training your quirk. 5% of One For All won't get you anywhere. You need to learn how to maximize your output as fast as you can."

"Yes, sir!"

The train whizzed through the suburbs, and in a few minutes, the incredible skyline of Hosu City came into picturesque view. To get to Shinjuku, one had to pass through Hosu.

Izuku stared out of the window in awe. "Wow, this is Hosu City....."

Midoriya thought back to his friend, Iida. He was interning in Hosu City, alongside Pro Hero Manual, right?

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