|| Chapter LIII ||

1.9K 123 21

Word Count : 1517 words 


( Location : The Rooftop )
( Third Person POV )

"Nii-san, where are we going?"

Yui asked her brother the question burning up her insides, and she stared up at (F/N) with an expectant expression.

(F/N) pursed his lips a bit, and stared ahead after glancing at his sister.

"Ugh, stop doing that puppy eye thing....." he muttered under his breath, and Yui giggled lightly. "I swear you never learn. You used to do that as a kid too."

"I know...." Yui said, and another wave of regret swept over the beautiful female. She felt waves of crashing, mutilated memories hit her with an unseen force once again, and her thirst for revenge and vengeance reignited its fire.

"The Hero Association Building," (F/N) replied, and the little entourage behind the duo listened in rapt attention. Best Jeanist especially, clenched his fists in anger when he remembered the bastard that lived up on the highest floor of that tower.

"Sarazaki.....?" Aizawa asked slowly, making sure to keep his distance from Yui. He had come to realize that there was nothing he could do about the situation, except accept it.

"Of course. The bastard who you all oh-so-lovingly wagged your tails for," (F/N) spat out. "I'll have her chopped up into so many pieces......"

The group shuddered in anticipation. Bakugo and Co had been given a thorough scene of the punishment that would be dished out if anyone disobeyed the villain. Class 1-A still remained half-dead at the other end of the street.

The group slowly set foot into the posh areas of Musutafu, with several high-rise buildings, wide and clear roads, and fountain park squares. But the scene tonight was different.

Stunningly, hauntingly empty.

The rain lashed down harder than ever. Visibility dropped to a bare minimum, and those without any aid for the eyes found it difficult to move ahead in the terrain.

But for those with aid, the world looked clear. Bloody. Distasteful.

Yui and (F/N) scanned through the streets, their powerful eyes showing them everything in 8K. The ripples generated on a puddle of water when the raindrop shatters its tension, the lone bird headed towards its home, the dull letters on the signboards that a normal person would never be able to see — they saw everything crystal clear. The Sharingan pulsed softly, indicating its thirst for revenge too.

The building came into sight, just a few meters away. A building that once stood tall, symbolizing power and authority. Now it's just a ridiculous display of concrete, a lone structure. A building that was made to be destroyed.

The glass turnstile to the building squeaked lightly, and the group walked into the empty lobby. Nothing of interest lay there — files on the table, the artificial potted plants, the wooden reception's desk. But no sign of life breathed inside the palace, evoking a sense of apathy from the place.

Without a single word, (F/N) walked straight ahead, and clicked the button to the elevator. The power supply was out, but the generator seemed to have kicked in at the right time.

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