|| Chapter XLV ||

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Word Count : 979 words 


( Location : The Battlefield )
( Yui POV )

I stared ahead of me at the incredible destruction we'd caused.

Dead bodies strewn across the streets. The tar and concrete completely melted and disfigured from nii-san's Amaterasu. Several soldiers huddled around each other, refusing to fight after being attacked by my Mangekyo.

Nii-san was brutal.

He didn't spare anyone. He killed everyone that dared to stand on his path.

Every soldier met with a gruesome demise.

And I've never been this free and excited before.

The shackles binding me to serve the Heroes had finally been broken free by my brother, and now I'm a girl of choice and freedom.

Nii-san slowly pressed my hand, and I pressed back, reciprocating the wordless affection we had for each other, even in the middle of the battlefield. His gentle love reminded that he will always be there to protect me, whatever be the consequences of our actions today.

"Where are the Heroes?" I asked, and looked up at my taller brother.

"I don't know..... but when they do arrive, they're gonna so fucking regret it."

I chuckled a bit, and once again stared ahead at the decimated battalion. There were no other enemies in sight.

Did the army retreat?

A sudden gust of wind brought me back to my senses, and I felt myself being thrown back with an unseen force, one that did not hurt, but still crushed me nevertheless. I landed a few meters away from my initial standing, and scrambled to get up and notice the perpetrator.

"I'm sorry, Young Yui. But today, you've really done it."

All Might's imposing figure shone down upon me, and I could see a few more Pro Heroes arrive from behind him.

Ah, they're finally here.


I tore my gaze to my left, and found my brother lying on the ground, his left forehead cracked open, blood spilling down onto the concrete.

He took All Might's punch for me, and I didn't even notice.


I ran up to check on my only family left, and another gust of wind threw my off balance once again, and I landed a good few feet away.

"Don't even think about it, Young Yui," All Might said. "Tonight, (F/N) (L/N) is the enemy. And anyone who sides along with him..... is also an enemy."

A supersonic dash was made by the Symbol of Peace, and I struggled to match his pace. He zipped around me, threatening to swallow me whole.

'Just his eyes, I just need to look into his eyes.....'

It was proving to be impossible. I couldn't even pinpoint his location. The other Pros were just watching from outside, and had spread out into the city to search for the rest of the League, having decided to leave the main culprit to All Might.

A harsh, solid whack sounded on my stomach, and I could feel my insides screaming in pain. I was thrown back with an incredible force, and my back harshly crashed into the concrete.

The pain was unbearable.

I held back the cry of pain that I would have let out. Judging from the impact, I must have broken at least a few bones, here and there. Luckily, my back seemed fine, so I was still able to move around well enough.

I stood up to face the Number One Hero, my limbs loosely hanging by my sides. Nii-san still remained unconscious after taking that devastating punch, head-on.

Nii-san took one of All Might's strongest punch head-on, and still survived. And here I am, mulling over the little pain that a measly pinch has caused.

I'm not going to back down.

"I'm not going to allow you to take anything away from me anymore," I said in a dark voice, and All Might lost the smile on his face.

He let out a sigh, and proceeded to take a fighting stance, one that would usually be enough to scare most villains away.

"I'm sorry, Young Yui. This could have turned out to be much better. You could have lived a fulfilling life if you had sided with us. But sometimes, there are choices that you cannot change," All Might said in a tone of what I assumed was regret. "The only way this war will end, and the only way the lives of innocents can be spared, is if he dies."

I widened my eyes in pure rage.

"You dare talk about murdering my brother in front of me!? Where was your sense of justice, when hundreds of innocent people were killed ten years ago!? Where were you then!? Does the Symbol of Peace not care anymore!?"

"I'm sorry, but I cannot answer those questions. What happened that day was justified. But what's happening today isn't. Heroes are risking their lives for innocents, and you're just creating panic and ruckus. Japan does not need Heroes like you anymore, Yui (L/N)."

"So this is what you wanted to say from the very beginning, wasn't it? That what you're doing is right, and what I'm doing is wrong? All you need to do is show the world that the Heroes are always right, even though what you did that day was inhumane and evil. You're all monsters. Each and every one of you, is a true monster."

All Might did not reply, but merely stared at me. I slowly took up a stance as well, ready to tussle with the Symbol of Peace.

The fake Symbol of Peace.

However, he did not move forward towards me.

In one single dash, he jumped towards my last living relative, who kept slipping in and out of consciousness.

I couldn't make a move.

My mind screamed to move ahead, but my legs did not heed.

My broken bones were taking a toll on me.

So all I could do was watch.


 All I could do was watch, with tears in my eyes, as All Might smashed my brother into the cement.

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I know this cliffhanger is very evil, so I'll probably post another chapter within 48 hours ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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