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"It was really bad, Y/N. They tried. They really tried."

"Mum, what are you saying?" your voice had wavered. You had known exactly what she was about to say, but your brains had stubbornly told you that it can't be possible. Your mother's lips had twitched, she was clearly trying to contain herself.

"Y/N, he's gone. Dad's gone."

Her words echoed in your head over and over again.

"No." you had answered, your eyes darkening. How dare your mother joke about something like that? But she had finally teared up, letting out a sob as she had taken a hold of your hand and squeezing it.


You had teared your hand from her grasp, standing up so abruptly that the chair was sent tumbling on the floor.

"Shut up."

You had had to get away.

And now you were there alone, hiding in Jigsy's stall, images of memories with your dad flashed through your mind constantly as you sat at the corner. It had started to sink in. He was gone forever. It was so unfair.

Jigsy made his way to you, gently bumping his muzzle against you while letting out a quiet nicker. You let yourself lean against him, stroking his head.

"Thank you, boy." you whispered against him, and he let out another nicker, making your tears flow again.

"Y/N?" you heard a voice call out from the door, and you looked up, hastily wiping your eyes. "Are you okay?"

It was Pin. Of course it had to be Pin, a boy you had been head over heels for since you moved to the island and had stumbled across Bright Fields by accident. Pin was the first person you had encountered and even though you had talked with him for just a few minutes, he had left a warm and fuzzy feeling inside you, and that had ultimately made you visit the stables again and again until Sam had asked you if you wanted to try riding. You had never ridden before, but you fell in love with it as soon as you had mounted the horse for the first time and Pin had held the reins and walked Jigsy around the arena with you just sitting there, cheeks heated up, visibly flustered.

Ever since then, everyone at the stables had shipped you and Pin, he just coincidentally was always helping you with different chores and treating Jigsy, your rent horse. He always told you that Sam had assigned him to help you. On the other hand, you cursed Sam for that but you were also grateful for the opportunity to spend more time with Pin. Even when he made you a stuttering mess for the first months, but eventually you had began feeling more comfortable around him.

Becky made obvious and accidental hints about you and Pin, Jade doing her best to keep her friend's voice down. Becky got way too excited sometimes if there had been any kind of improvement with Pin and you were always scanning the yard frantically if she started babbling, always fearing that Pin would teleport beside you and hear Becky's gushing about you two. You had always tried to impress Pin and felt like you could have danced your way home if he complimented you about anything, and Becky had almost spilled stuff most of the time.

Your dad had liked Pin too. He had even hinted about it a couple of times at family dinner, he knew there were feelings involved.

"That Pin-boy you're always hanging out with would be so good for you. He would make you happy. I've spoken with his dad, they're good people."

"Dad!" you had groaned. He had just smirked as your cheeks had heated up, making the rest of your family snicker.

Back to this moment, you were at your most vulnerable, not in a state to impress Pin in any way. You didn't answer anything, not trusting your voice but instead you let out another sob. Pin opened the gate and made his way over to you, and Jigsy left from your side, noticing that you got someone else to continue comforting.

Pin sat down beside you, laying his hand on your shoulder gently. You probably did it subconsciously, but you leaned towards Pin, and he pulled you in for a hug. You could feel how he had no idea what was the matter, but Pin was the type of guy who helped first and asked after if he trusted that person. And he knew you needed someone right now.

He didn't care about how your tears and snot got onto his shirt, he just held you there for as long as you'd need him to just hold you, stroking your back with his thumb, his cheek against your head as your face was buried against his chest.

You could faintly hear people calling out to Pin for a few minutes, wondering where he had disappeared, but he just continued holding you, figuring that work could wait as you needed him right now.

He cared about you more than you thought, and when it came to it, he would put you above almost anything else.

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