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Prompt: F4. Kiss in the rain

Word count: 581

It had seemed like a perfect day to go to the forest to spend time with your best friend, but the weather had thought otherwise. Sun was shining when you had sat down at the beach with your sandwiches and cupcakes Zoe, Becky and Jade had made for you and you could tell you would be having a good time.

Maybe you could even gather your courage to admit your feelings for Pin... but you doubted it. He wouldn't like you back anyway. The girls had tried to push you into confessing, but you would never forgive yourself if you revealing your feelings would only make Pin awkward and your friendship would never be the same...

You hadn't even noticed the looming clouds coming over, too deep in jokes and chatter. You had taken out the cupcakes and that's when the sky had decided to rip open, pouring rain over you and Pin. You both had immediately stood up, hastily throwing everything back to the basket and covering it with a plastic bag. Within a few minutes, you were on your horses and riding back to Bright Fields.

"This was not how I planned this to go," Pin sighed once you were back at the stables, soaked and shivering, having put your horses to their stables.

"Hopefully those cupcakes didn't get too ruined, the girls spent so much time working on them just so we could get a romantic time together," you sighed, cradling the basket inside the plastic bag.

"Did they say that this is meant to be romantic?" Pin asked and you froze, you hadn't meant to say that. You had thought about it as a romantic date, a foolish daydream that your best friend would feel that way about you.

"No, I mean- no," you stuttered out, but Pin's frown made you give in. You had tried to hide your feelings from him for months, but lying to him was the last straw, you never straight-up lied. Just left things untold. "Yes. They have teased me about it for months because... they know I have feelings for you."

"What?" Pin looked shocked, and you felt your heart starting to beat faster and your breath hitching to your throat as you panicked. This was it, he was going to tell you that he doesn't feel the same way, that he feels too weirded out and your friendship would never be the same.

"I... I don't want this to affect our friendship. If you need space, you get it, but I don't want to lose my friendship with you, Pin, you're the best friend a person could-"

You were silenced when you felt Pin's hand grasp the back of your head and his lips crashing to your own. You stared at the boy kissing you, not even kissing back in your shock and he pulled away, clearly thinking you don't want it. You stared at him for a moment more, but just before he was going to apologize, you leaned in to press another kiss on his lips. You were both dripping wet, but somehow the setting also felt romantic on that moment. He kissed back after a second, wrapping his other arm around you as he deepened the kiss and when you pulled away, you were both grinning like idiots before you burst out into a light laughter.

Pin moved his hand from the back of your head to grasp your hand instead, saying, "Well, this wasn't my plan either but I'm not complaining anymore."

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