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Based on the song "Tämä on unta" by Jenni Jaakkola, the music video is linked above.

A/N: Fun fact, I've visited that tower at the end of the video 😂 Also I translated the lyrics by myself.

Word count: 602

This is surely a fairytale, or a wonderful dream / I just can't believe you're actually real

Sometimes you were sure you were living a fairytale, or having a wonderful dream. You had been sleeping and dreamed of moving to an island and beginning to ride at a stable, getting a bunch of friends and... meeting Pin, the most perfect boy you had ever seen.

How can someone be so sweet without sugared edges? / I don't find any irritating features from you, not even with a magnifying glass

Other girls at the stables drooled after Marcus. And sure he was gorgeous, tall and broad-shouldered with dark hair and green eyes, but you weren't into men who were muscular like Marcus was. He was good company, and you had fun if you happened to spend time with him, but he wasn't the one you were looking at with butterflies going crazy in your stomach and your heart thumping like crazy - who you had suspected to be a dream. You didn't see any irritating features in him, no matter how hard you looked. The girls had told you that they're sure that Pin likes you back, but you pushed the thought away. But you still caught him looking at you a little more often for it to be a coincidence.

Pinch me, so I wake up and realise it if this is a dream / Push me, so I know you're real, you're not a dream, are you? / I've dreamed for so long, that you'll notice me, and crush on me / Hey, pinch me, so I wake up and realise it if this is a dream

It had to be either a fairytale or a wonderful dream, or a wish of impossible. You had always been a hopeless romantic, torn between it being a blessing and a curse. Having a crush made you walk above clouds, but being turned down felt like you were stabbed multiple times all around your body. But being in the bubble you were, in that wonderful crush bubble where you just wondered if you and Pin could ever be... it was blissful. It was heaven on earth.

Here comes a smile, and a lot of light, whenever you come into the picture / I didn't know I would have a free ticket to dreams like this

You had never met anyone like Pin before, not even close. He was so kind, sweet, patient and caring, you could tell by how he treated everyone. You loved his gentle way of talking, his soft voice and the way he smiled at you. The world looked a brighter place if he smiled at you. You couldn't help but smile back, you were so happy whenever he was near. When he was there, everything felt right in the world.

My socks are rolling up and down, butterflies are flying on my navel / I just hope there will be enough pages in our story

Maybe it would be just a silly teenager romance even if you ever ended up together, maybe it would just last for a month or two and then you'd split up after seeing that neither of you were mature enough for a lasting relationship - or maybe you would live happily ever after, like in a fairytale. You couldn't help but paint dream castles, gushing and twirling around as you listened to some music late at night, making yourself fall in love even further as stars twinkled outside.

Pinch me, so I wake up and realise it if this is a dream / Push me, so I know you're real, you're not a dream, are you? / I've dreamed for so long, that you'll notice me, and crush on me / Hey, pinch me, so I wake up and realise it if this is a dream

This feeling makes me float, lights are on in my corner of world / How do I know if this is really happening to me, am I going crazy / Is this just a wonderful phantom of dreams or the feeling of craziness

Then, one day, Pin asked you out. You felt like fainting on the spot, not sure if it was really happening, while the girls peeked around the corner, giggling slightly after seeing you nod excitedly at Pin, agreeing to meet at the gate next morning so you could go on a ride together, he had arranged something up. Dates weren't dinners in fancy restaurants here, but riding instead, or taking walks in the woods, or simply sitting on the beach and watching the sunset. And experiencing that with Pin, if this was a dream, you weren't sure if you wanted to wake up. You kind of wanted him to push you, or pinch you so you'd see if you'd wake up back at your childhood home, having dreamed about Bright Fields and Pin, and not wake up when you'd least expect it.

But maybe this wasn't a dream, maybe this was real. It felt real, and if it truly was real... you were going to have something you never thought you'd have.

Pinch me, so I wake up and realise it if this is a dream / Push me, so I know you're real, you're not a dream, are you? / I've dreamed for so long, that you'll notice me, and crush on me / Hey, pinch me, so I wake up and realise it if this is a dream

Is this a dream? Is this a dream? Is this a dream? Is this a dream?

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