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G3. Leaning your forehead against theirs

Word count: 520

"Y/N!" Mia's voice echoed through the stables and you flinched at her voice, carefully poking your head out from the tack room. "Are you blind, stupid or lazy?"

"What is it again?" you sighed.

"Firefly's stable doesn't look like it's been even looked over at all, I told you it has to be cleaned by noon and it's already an hour late." she crossed her arms and glared down at you.

You frowned, Mia had told you to clean it by 6pm earlier that morning. "You told me that-"

"No," Mia smirked slightly. "I didn't."

"Why are you always so mean to me?" you asked, feeling tears coming up in your eyes. "You've been ordering me around for days, barely letting me to have a good night's sleep, and I haven't done anything to you to deserve this. I can't take it anymore."

"Yes, you have. You didn't stop your boyfriend when he betrayed our trust and began riding for Holloway," Mia scoffed and rolled her eyes. "So, now you're here and working our loss off."

You took in a deep sigh, turning away and making your way to Jewel's stable.

"What are you doing? You still have work to do," Mia called out to you.

You turned back around, sending her a glare as you unlocked the stable door and soon you were on Jewel's back, riding towards Holloway.

Pin spotted you pretty soon after you had entered the gates, walking up to you when you dismounted Jewel. He frowned upon seeing you, you must have looked horrible.

"What happened?" he asked, frowning and putting his hand on your cheek. You leaned against his hand, putting your own hand over it, relishing its warmth. You already felt so much more comforted.

"Mia. She- she said that- we got into a bad fight," you said in a quiet voice. "She blames me for you leaving and makes me work my arse off, I can't take it anymore."

You saw Pin clenching his jaw slightly. "It's fine, I'll be with you tonight," he then said softly. "Just come over to stay here, I'm sure people here at Holloway won't mind if you spend the night here."

You smiled at him, letting him lead you to the stables to give Jewel a place to stay too. The stables at Holloway were big and fancy compared to Bright Fields, you could tell how well they were taking care of their horses. You led Jewel to one of the empty stalls and shut the door after giving her a kiss.

Pin took a hold of your face after you turned around to him, pressing a brief kiss to your lips. When your lips parted, he rested his forehead against yours, his thumb tracing your cheek as another tear slipped out of your eye.

"We'll figure this out. I promise." he muttered and you nodded, letting yourself relax in his arms, your foreheads pressed together as Jewel let out a knowing sigh and you grinned at it, as did Pin too.

You felt so much better, Pin knew how to make it all better.

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