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Prompts: B3. "You're cute when you try not to blush." and B4. "I might be having feelings for you, I've had them for a while." "Yeah right." "I'm serious."

Warnings: mentions of alcohol and being drunk (but not actually the case), throwing up, reader is delirious

Word count: 875

"Y/N?" Pin frowned as he saw you swaying at the yard. You looked like you were drunk, but it wasn't like you to drink. You turned around, your eyes puffy and red. "Are you okay?"

"They killed Snow White, and then The Grinch. The Spinach Man too." you sobbed.

"What?" he asked, and suddenly it felt like your whole mood changed.

"Did you know that you're cute when you try not to blush?" you giggled and wobbled forward, almost falling into his arms. "It makes you look like... a tomato. Or oh, a bottle of ketchup. But a cute one."

You grinned, and immediately threw up, causing Pin jumping backward. And the next moment, you actually fell forward, but fortunately Pin knew to expect it. He caught you, dropping everything in his hands to lower you down gently, and the people at the stable stopped what they were doing, gathering near you and him. "Dad!"

Ted hurried to the scene, seeing you in his son's arms, your eyes rolling back. "Y/N? Y/N, can you hear me?"

"Yeah yeah grandpa. I'll do the dishes." you muttered before your eyes fluttered shut. Pin looked at his father worriedly, and Ted helped him to lift you up.

"They're sick. They were weird today too and wouldn't let me to check their fever. They've been working too hard. Call Arthur." Ted told Pin and Pin took out his phone immediately.

You slowly felt yourself coming back to consciousness, feeling pillows and blankets all around you, and something damp on your forehead. You opened your eyes, but the light was too much and you squeezed them shut again, groaning.

On that moment, you heard shuffling from beside you and felt a hand grasping yours. You managed to open your eyes again, your vision showing a blurry form of Pin.

"Pin?" you croaked out, and the boy brought his hand to your cheek, stroking lightly. "What happened?"

"You're alright." he whispered, his voice relieved. As your vision became clearer, you saw how deep his eye bags were, and how dark the area under his eyes was.

"What happened?" you repeated your question.

Pin sighed. "You were really sick. You threw up and fainted. I brought you here because you'd get the best treatment from Arthur."

"You mean the butler who tried to poison you?" you joked and tried to sit up, but your chuckles immediately turned to violent coughs. Pin immediately took out a bucket, but your coughing calmed down within a few seconds. So instead, he fixed the blanket, pulling it up to your neck.

"Don't fuss. I'm alright now." you chuckled. "And I'll get a heatstroke if you'll put any more blankets on me."

He paused and sighed, slumping on the chair beside his bed. You both were quiet for a moment.

"Pin?" you broke the silence. "What is it?"

Pin glanced at you briefly and brought his hand to his lips momentarily, before he turned to look at you.

"I might be having feelings for you." Pin blurted out. "I've had them for a while."

You stared at your best friend and felt your cheeks heating up. What did he mean? He couldn't. He was surely joking.

So you rolled your eyes and scoffed, turning your gaze to your lap. "Yeah right. Very funny, Pin."

You saw a flash of hurt going by in Pin's eyes. "I'm serious."

You blinked, raising your head to look at him again. You gulped, just staring at him.

"Really?" you finally managed to squeak out, and Pin nodded, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

"Yeah. Dad has been pushing me into telling you, and a few days ago... I was so afraid. You were talking nonsense and dad seemed worried too. But fortunately Arthur knew what to do." he told you and took out your phone from his pocket, handing it to you. "Your family has been trying to call you, but I told them that you're not in a condition to talk. They've been really worried, you should probably call or text them."

You nodded, took your phone from Pin and snorted. "Great, my phone is messed up. Did it fall on the ground when I fainted?" you asked.

Pin frowned, taking your phone from you and you pointed at the date. "It claims it's Thursday."

Pin glanced at you. "It is Thursday. You were being delirious and probably that's why you don't remember anything. I had to feed you and help you use the bathroom." he sighed and your eyes widened in shock.

"What was wrong with me?" you asked.

"You were overworking even though you were sick. Promise me you won't do that again. You really scared all of us. You scared me." he told you and took a hold of your hand again. Suddenly, you realized what Pin had said moments earlier.

"You said you have feelings for me." you muttered. Pin nodded with a sigh. You smiled at him. "The best way to wake up in a while. But I'll kill my brains if this is a dream."

Pin blinked at you, almost not believing what you had just said. You laid your other hand on top of his and squeezed lightly, causing Pin breaking into a wide grin.

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