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Summary: Pin arranged a romantic getaway camping weekend for you and him - but then a storm decides to ruin the camping plan. So you have to come up with another solution.

Based on prompts: A2. "Where do we sleep now?" + A10. "Stop snoring! You sound like a chainsaw."


When Pin had suggested a romantic camping weekend by the coast as a getaway from all the hassle you had endured for the past few months, you had of course agreed right away. Weather cast had promised sunny days and pretty sunsets, and on the way there, everything was just as promised.

But as if the sky hadn't liked you camping, sudden gushes of strong winds emerged as you were assembling the tent. It made the tent collapse, something inside it snapped and you couldn't get it back up. So you went back to the car, putting the heater on.

"Where do we sleep now?" you asked, digging your bag for dry clothes. You both knew there weren't any motels nearby, and going back home would be madness at this time of the day - the way here had lasted for half a day, you needed to have a place to sleep before you could drive back, or then find a hotel to stay at.

Pin thought for a moment, and then started backing away from the road. "Let's find a quiet place, we'll have to sleep in the car."

"The car?" you repeated, but then sighed. "I suppose you're right."

So he drove to an empty parking lot, under a shelter and dug his bag for your sleeping bags. You both rolled your seats a little bit back and sighed at the same time.

"I know this isn't ideal, and not what I was hoping for this weekend," Pin mumbled, adjusting his position as he turned to look at you. You saw his eyes glimmer in the dark as he looked at your silhouette. "But at least we're here together, and all alone, just for tonight. No Arthur, no dad, no one else but us."

You couldn't help but smile a little at that - Pin was right, even though you had imagined cuddling in the tent when falling asleep and waking up, listening to seagulls and waves, taking a morning swim with him every morning - but you had to admit, this was kind of nice too. Knowing you were there all alone, just the two of you.

You hummed as an answer, seeking his hand to hold for a few moments, before carefully tracing his arm until you reached his face and brushed a strand of his hair off from his forehead. "Good night."

His hand found its way to your cheek, returning the sentiment and then, you both made yourselves comfortable in your spots and fell asleep.

You were woken up in the middle of the night to a horrible sound - at first, you thought it's an animal growling right beside your car. Then, you thought it's a motorcycle nearby. But after looking around, you realised it was neither of those - it was Pin.

His royal snoring was something you hadn't expected, he never had snored before but now, his snoring was worse than your grandpa's when he had fallen asleep on his chair mid-reading a newspaper. You groaned and jabbed Pin a few times until he stirred. His sleepy voice came out as a grumble. "What?"

"Stop snoring, you sound like a chainsaw," you mumbled, and you heard him stir again, the rustle of his sleeping bag giving it away.

"I don't snore."

"You do."

"No, I don't."

You huffed. "Do you want me to sound record it the next time you wake me up with it?"

Pin sighed, sitting up slightly. He rubbed his neck. "Sleeping in the car may trigger it."

You sat up slightly too, digging up your phone from your bag. "It's almost one in the morning... any hotel or guesthouse won't take us at this time of the night. Maybe I could try to stay awake while you sleep? And take a nap in the daytime."

Pin thought for a moment, and then shook his head. "No, then your sleeping rhythm would be ruined for the rest of the weekend."

You collapsed back on the chair, folding your hands on your stomach. "Any other suggestions, then?"

You saw Pin open Google and after a moment, he started rolling his seat back up. "Mayo Clinic says that raising the headboard of the bed could help."

You nodded, taking a comfortable position again. "Well, that's the best bet then."

After a moment, you both had fallen asleep again, sounds of your almost perfectly synced deep breathing filling the car. And after a few more hours, the sun peeked behind the horizon, waking you up first. You sat up with a groan, your bones popping and protesting against your movements. You looked over to Pin, who still slept peacefully, dots of sunlight kissing his skin. You smiled softly, sitting up and leaning in to press a gentle kiss on his cheek. He stirred slightly, his nose scrunching up as he hummed. You chuckled at it.

"Morning, handsome," you whispered, pressing another kiss on his other cheek. That made Pin's eyes flutter open, and he smiled contentedly, sighing as he rolled his shoulders.

"Morning," he replied. "I'm sorry for keeping you awake last night."

"It's okay, you didn't snore anymore after you raised the seat." You smiled at him, caressing his cheek.

Pin closed his eyes for a moment longer, a smile gracing his lips as well. "Good."

You rolled your chair up, wiggling out of your sleeping bag. "I googled some small hotels nearby, there's one about twenty miles from here," you told him, showing some pictures from your phone. "We could spend the rest of our weekend there. No offence to your car, but it wasn't the best place to sleep, my back has never cracked so much from sitting up."

Pin took your phone, blinking a few times before nodding. "Mmhh, you can book it."

You took your phone back and booked it, and then you looked back to Pin. You raised your hand, gently brushing some strands of hair out of Pin's forehead. "You always look so cute in the mornings, with your messy hair and tired eyes, your voice groggy."

Pin huffed, stretching his limbs inside his sleeping bag and then slowly starting to push it down his body. He yawned. "We could stop by that diner to eat some breakfast."

You nodded as Pin's yawn caught you as well. "A wonderful idea."

The sun slowly crept higher to the sky as you drove away from that parking lot. Even though the car hadn't been an ideal place to sleep, you had to admit that it had felt good to sleep beside Pin, knowing no one was anywhere near you. You had hoped you would sleep in that tent for the whole weekend, but that hotel would be a good alternative - some other time, you'd try again with camping, but this weekend would be a romantic getaway as well.

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