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Summary: Your feelings for Pin have grown too big so you'd be able to hide them anymore. You decide to tell him, but then Pin tells you something that crumbles your wishes about a romantic relationship... but there may be a flicker of hope waiting in the future.


Pin Hawthorne was someone you had never believed to get. You had had feelings for your best friend ever since you were a preteen, but you hadn't wanted to break your friendship that had gone on since daycare, and likely just make it awkward.

But as the Pony Squad had constantly told you that you should tell him, that you could be surprised by his answer . And after a lot of coaching from them, you had decided to confess. You realised it too, that your feelings were growing to be too painful to keep inside - and you had to know, if there was any chance he'd like you too. You couldn't take the risk of breaking your heart when he'd find someone else. So you had finally decided to tell him after the Nationals. He would be free from Holloway after that, and everything would be settled like they used to be.

Of course, he had found out about being a Duke which made you nervous about him possibly thinking you want to take advantage of him... but on the other hand, you knew he knew you well enough so he wouldn't think that. So you stayed in your original plan, and you met in a few days after the Nationals, next to one of the enclosures of Bright Fields. You sat on a fence waiting for him, fiddling with your fingers until you heard him approaching and jumped down.

"Hi," you said, walking towards him.

He smiled at you. "Hi."

You bit your lip, your heart starting to race. "I, uh... I've had a lot on my mind lately."

He raised an eyebrow at that. "Oh?"

You nodded, "I- I... um... I have something to tell you."

He sighed, nodding too. "I have something to tell you too."

You looked up at him, blinking. A crazy thought filled you, could he like you too? "Oh? Well, you go first."

He sat on a fence, pulling you up to sit beside him. He looked down for a moment, before he took in a long breath. "I'm leaving the island next week."

You stared at him, not sure what to say. " W-what?"

He shrugged, "I want to travel around, see the world."

You still stared at him, unable to say anything.

"I know it's sudden," he said, "I know it would have been fair to tell you earlier, but I just got to know I'm a Duke, I have a lot of money and... I just feel this is a right decision."

You swallowed back tears, your heart racing even faster. "You... you're coming back, aren't you?"

He smiled at you, "Of course. I'm not leaving for good. I've planned to be away for about six months, or a year, but could be less."

Your bottom lip quivered, but you managed to gather up a smile. "I'm gonna miss you."

He smiled, "I'll miss you too."

"That's good," you mumbled, your voice breaking up.

Pin looked at you, frowning and swiping a thumb across your cheek. "You alright?"

You nodded, your voice shaking, "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine."

He nodded too, "Alright. Well... I'll be back before you know it, alright?"

You smiled at him, still struggling to holding back your tears, "Okay."

He nodded and stood up, "But first, I'm going to have fun with my best friend. I'll offer you a few dinners and we'll go on so many riding trips that you'll grow tired on me until next year."

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