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Summary: Pin falling for someone he shouldn't.


"Did you see me?" you exclaimed, running up to your friend. "I felt like I'm flying above the field!"

"You did amazing," Pin replied, smiling slightly at your enthusiasm.

You beamed at Pin's compliment, doing a little dance of victory which made Pin smile wider.

"Thanks!" you replied. "Um... would you like to join me for lunch? I'm starving."

"Yeah, I could eat," Pin agreed and you hooked your arm with his. You both started walking toward the dining hall, chatting about the tournament coming up.

The dining hall was almost empty, most were still training in the fields. The cooks had made some delicious warm mixed salads and the aroma was making your mouth water.

The kitchen staff put the food for you and Pin on a table near the back, where you had a view of the training fields and the forest beyond. Pin sat down next to you, looking at his food.

"It looks good," Pin said, nodding at the food.

"It always does," you replied with a smile and began to eat. Pin stared at you for a bit, and just for a moment, he imagined how it would be like if he kissed you right now.

He was snapped out of it when you chuckled at him, wiping the corner of your mouth. "What?"

He blinked. Once. Twice. Then he took a sharp breath. "Huh?"

"You were staring at me like I was an exotic animal," you chuckled and he looked away. You frowned. "What's the matter?" He was quiet for a long moment, thinking, and you sighed. "Pin."

He shook his head. "Nothing. Sorry. I must be tired."

But he knew exactly what was it. Pin hadn't meant to fall for you. He really didn't. He didn't want to move on from Zoe yet, even when knowing Zoe had moved on from him. You weren't a rival right now, but technically... you were just that. He had felt like betraying his friends when he joined Holloway, but it was either that or something worse for stealing the trophy. Holloway riders had felt arrogant and having a mindset of being better than everyone else for the most part, but then you came and introduced yourself. You radiated something warm, something familiar. He just couldn't help it.

He hadn't meant to fall for you.

He wanted to stop feeling this way about you.

But on the other hand... he wanted to see where it would lead to. He was just afraid that if he got too attached on you, he'd end up hurting you. Or that he'd be forced to pick between you and Bright Fields. Despite everything that was wrong in that little stable, ran by Mia, it had been a second home for him for a long time. He didn't want to give it up. But then again, he knew it wasn't fair for anyone to make that choice. You were his friend.

And now, apparently you were becoming his crush. And it scared him more than it should have...

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