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Reader is a female!


Hearing yelling and your voice calling for help made Pin drop everything and run to the parking lot, meeting a sight of you and some unknown girl who was hitting your head, and you had covered yourself with your arms.

"Hey!" Pin hurried to the scene, placing himself in between you and your bully, making her stay back. "Leave her alone!"

"What the fuck, this is between me and this bitch, get lost pretty boy." she spat and Pin shook his head.

"I won't let you bully anyone at my stables." he stated and pointed towards her car. "I'd advise you to leave."

She looked at Pin for a moment, and for a moment you thought she's going to slap him too, but she turned around anyway with a scoff and made her way to her car. You peered over Pin's shoulder to watch her go and Pin turned to you once she was gone. You smiled at him softly, but he wasn't smiling, taking a gentle hold of your face, tilting it to the side to see a red hand mark on your cheek and frowning. He then put his hand on the small of your back and started walking with you.

"Why she hit you?" he asked, leading you to the tack room.

"I don't know. She's always aggressive and I've always been a splinter in her eye. I haven't even done anything to her." you muttered as you sat on the chair at the tack room and Pin turned around, starting to go through the small freezer at the corner of the room. "I'm so scared of her, but this was the first time she actually did something physical. Usually she just calls me a whore and tries to demand me money or give her a cigarette and then she gets angry when I say no or that I don't smoke."

Pin paused, looking even more concerned. "How long this has gone on?"

You sighed. "About a year."

"You have never said anything."

"She has never followed me like that before. I didn't want to pour it on you when she hasn't actually posed a real danger... before today. Sure, I've been scared of her for months but I didn't think she'd actually do something..." you swallowed and Pin took a hold of your hand, pressing a cold rag with ice on your face. He intertwined your fingers and you felt your heartbeat picking up.

"Come to me, or call or text me if you're scared. I'll protect you, you have nothing to fear." he muttered and you felt a smile creeping to your face again, lifting your other hand on top of his which laid on your cheek, holding the rag.

"Thank you, Pin. That means a lot to me."

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