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"And now, our final competitor number seven for our second race today, from Bright Fields stables," the announcer bellowed as you rode to the field and you tried to swallow your nervousness. You were a good rider - the best bet against Pin, as Mia had said it.

Pin. Pin rode for Holloway now and Mia expected everyone at Bright Fields to hate him for that, basically saying you're betraying the team if you don't. You had to beat him. You had to be better than him. Especially after Zoe fell off Raven and was disqualified with the last section of the competition. But at least she hadn't had her crush racing beside her.

You took a shaky breath and squeezed Pixie into a walk. The rest of the competitors were trotting down the track, you in the middle. You had to beat them all. You had to win. If you didn't, you felt like Mia would pretty much kill you as the whole team would have been disqualified and then the stables would likely be bulldozed with all its debts.

Pixie seemed to pick up on your nerves and began to snort and tossing her head.

"You've got this, Pixie," you muttered and patted her neck, trying to calm the horse. You took another deep breath, trying to focus, to remember the training you had done during the past weeks as you settled on your spot beside everyone else.

It would be just a little country race riding. You had done the course dozens of times. You knew how to do this.

You could win this. You could be the star of the Bright Fields team, you would outdo yourself.

"Ready, set, go!" the announcer's voice shouted through the field.

You nudged Pixie and the horse launched into gallop. You kept your eyes on the course, feeling like flying over the obstacles. Trees were just blur at the sides of your eyes and your heart was racing from the adrenaline. Pixie's mane was flying around her head, and the horse's hooves pounded the dirt of the course.

You felt like a hero from some fairytale as you raced there and barely hearing others behind you. You would win this, you would outdo yourself.

The course had you crossing through the forest and came to a small creek. Pixie jumped over the log obstacle, and then jumped the next jump, the one after that, and just when you were guiding her to steer right, she neighed and on the next moment, you were sent flying off the back of the horse.

"Ahh!" You cried out as you landed on the mud pond by the creek.

Pixie fell down and neighed some more, and you tried to get up. Your chest and legs hurt and your face felt wet from the mud. You tried to stand but it hurt. You wanted to get up, to check on Pixie, but you just couldn't. You saw Pixie lying there, trying to get up, but she was in the same shape that you were in - she couldn't get up either and her neighing soon turned into quiet whimpers.

You heard the horses galloping towards you and looked up to see Pin, who immediately stopped Elvis upon seeing you and dismounting him.

"Are you alright?" He asked you, his face full of concern.

You groaned. "No... I think I broke something."

"Here." Pin hooked his arm over your waist. "I'll carry you."

"I can walk..." You tried to get up, but you almost screamed when the pain shot through again.

"Looks like it," he chuckled, lifting you with his arm around your waist.

Other competitors came by you too, looking at Pixie lying on the ground and you in Pin's arms.

"Are they ok?" One of them asked and Pin shook his head.

"Call the medical team, Pixie needs help," he told them and nodded towards you. "I'll take my them back and check on them," he told them and then turned to you. "Come on."

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