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Summary: Mia doesn't want her little sister Y/N ride and forces her into stopping. Pin is there to stand up for Y/N, and certain things about Y/N's past come to light, showing the situation in a new light. Idea by (we built her idea further with my ideas though)

Pairing: Pin Hawthorne x fem!MacDonald!reader

Warnings: mentions of death/near death situation, cringy title 😅

Word count: 2.2k

You loved these moments. The moments when you could sneak away and prepare Dusty, walking him to the arena and mounting it, feeling like you became one with it.

You just felt so free when you were on Dusty, wind blowing on your face, feeling like you were flying over the obstacles...

"Y/N, get off that horse!" Mia's voice pulled you away from your utopia, and you saw her marching towards you and you pulled Dusty to a stop.


"How many times I have had to tell you that you simply. Won't. Be. Riding," Mia scolded you and beckoned you to come down.

You lowered your gaze in shame, getting off Dusty and Mia took his reins the moment you had let go of him, starting to walk him out from the arena, laying one last disapproving look at you.

You knew that Mia didn't want you to ride, and you knew the reason for it, too. But despite that accident, you loved riding and wanted to compete one day, so you had ridden when Mia was busy with other stuff, hoping she wouldn't catch you. But she did every once in a while, more than often actually, and it always ended with her scolding you all the way back home, saying it over and over again that what if, what if. You wanted to tell her that if you would leave things you dreamed of undone and fear everything, you wouldn't be able to live at all, but Mia was stubborn and you knew she wouldn't listen.

After a while of it going on, you decided to wake up every single morning before anyone else did and make your way to the stables. Fortunately Sam didn't mind people riding horses or doing stable work even if it was five at the morning, because that was exactly what you were doing. The sun hadn't even risen yet when you arrived to the stables and put Dusty ready.

You kind of knew it was foolish, if something would happen, nobody would help you, but Dusty was reliable and had never even stumbled when you were riding it. You could just sink into your own world as you rode, and after a while you grew accustomed to it, and didn't even notice when sun rose and a certain stable boy came to lean on the fence, watching you ride.

It was only when you pulled the reins to stop Dusty and dismounted him, Pin spoke up. "I didn't know you could ride so well."

You were startled by his voice, abruptly turning around. "Pin! How long have you been standing there? You scared the heck out of me."

"Sorry," he said sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. "But I meant what I said. Have you thought about applying to any competitions?"

You frowned and then shook your head. "No, um... no. I really can't, or I'm not interested. Or I'm interested, but uh..."

"Are you too shy to apply?" he asked, and you offered him a nervous smile, just simply nodding. You felt awful for lying, but you knew that if Pin knew the real reason, he would go straight to Mia and confront her and that was the last thing you wanted. Her nagging would never end if that happened.

"I just... it's really nerve wracking to ride while some old dudes are watching me," you told him. It was partly true, which was probably why it went through with Pin.

"I understand, competing isn't for everyone," he replied, and you nodded, starting to walk Dusty back to his stable before Mia would arrive to the stables.

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