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The reader is a female in this + Pin's sister!


Word count: 574

Your nose was leaking, your throat and head hurt and you were cold, even under three blankets. Becoming sick was never fun, but why today of all days? You had been looking forward to the beach trip for weeks, which Bright Fields had set up but now they were going without you, having fun without you.

You had tried to read and watch some Netflix shows yesterday, but you hadn't been able to focus on anything except the pain in your head, it felt like someone pounded your brain with a hammer.

Not everything was terrible, though. Your brother being a Duke gave you a warm room in a luxurious castle with a comfortable bed, with more snacks and drinks than ever before. Arthur would check on you once an hour, asking if you needed anything, and he would do anything you wanted to ask, and he was expert in anything. Even hot cocoa made by him felt luxurious. And when you had told him that your head hurts, he had made you some medicine. It tasted absolutely terrible, but it took your headache and throat pain away anyway, and you could finally binge a new show from the giant TV propped up on the wall across from your bed. The show was cheesy and full of cliches, but you needed something like that, where you didn't have to think much.

"The Duke- your brother is here," Arthur's voice snapped you out of the show, and you turned your head to the door. Pin appeared behind him, and nodded to Arthur as he passed him, sending him off and stepped into your room. You paused the show and frowned, wasn't he supposed to be on that beach trip?

"How are you holding up?" he asked as he sat beside your bed, taking a look on the pile of tissues on your lap.

"Better, my nose is still leaking and I'm still cold, but Arthur is doing his best to take care of me," you answered, your voice slightly raspy. "But... aren't you supposed to be on that beach trip? Oh, please don't say you dropped out because of me."

Pin shook his head. "We called it off for today. We'll go there when you're better."

The thought of the team caring about you so much getting to go with them made you smile. "That's comforting to hear. Really. Say thanks for me."

Pin nodded and turned to look at the television. "What are you watching?"

You chuckled nervously, suddenly embarrassed. "Well, it's this really stupid show, but it's also kind of wholesome? I don't know." You made a move to shut down Netflix, but Pin stopped you by snatching the remote and smirked.

"My sister doesn't get to have a bad taste alone," he told you and pushed the play button, taking a handful of popcorn from the bowl on the empty space on the bed. You stared at him for a moment, but then let out a giggle and leaned back, taking popcorn yourself as you continued watching the series, Pin on the armchair beside you, and soon Arthur brought you another bowl of chips, clearly knowing you two would be sitting there until late night, watching shows and movies. Pin just was the type of brother who did anything to cheer up his sister if she was feeling bad, mentally or physically, and you were lucky to be that sister.

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