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Prompt: D22. Baking

Word count: 783

You had stayed at Pin's kitchen from the early hours, whisking and baking away. Ever since you had heard that Pony Prom would be held again this year, you just insisted that you would take care of all the food. They wouldn't agree on dumping all the food on you, but they did ask you to make some pastries, so that you did. It was just that doing them with Pin was distracting.

"Pin!" you screamed as a cloud of flour landed on you, dyeing your hair and eyelashes in white powder. The boy just smirked at you, and you took a handful of flour into your hand as well. "You're gonna pay for that."

He laughed and covered himself as you threw the flour on him.

"Happy now?" Pin asked as he, too, was covered in flour, and you nodded.

"We match now." you told him, and turned back to the dough. "But we're supposed to make pastries for the Pony Prom, and not fool around, wasting ingredients."

Arthur had given you Pin's family recipe book, which had a giant section for all kinds of fancy snacks and pastries for parties, and with a little tweaking, they were manageable for someone who wasn't a professional cook. You added the butter to the mixture, stirring it in before adding milk, sugar, eggs, vanilla extract and more flour. Next came the baking powder and salt, and then your mixture became a paste-like substance.

"Okay, now we'll make the frosting!" you told him and covered the bowl and put it to the side.

"What are we making again?" Pin asked as he got up beside you and watched as you took out another bowl.

"We chose it together, you should know," you chuckled and Pin snorted.

"I'm pretty sure you chose it alone, I didn't even get to look at the pictures," he said as he sat down again and watched as you mixed the butter and powdered sugar until they formed a light brown color. You thought for a moment, and realised that Pin was right about that.

"Oh," you grinned sheepishly. "Sorry?"

"It doesn't matter," he shrugged. "I just wanted to be helpful. But what we are making?"

"It's called a... um, I think it's sort of a fancy crescent roll? A big one," you replied, checking the picture from the book and taking one from the cake pan and placing it on the sheet closest to you. You grabbed some more dough and rolled it out until it was about eight inches across. You used the rolling pin to flatten it evenly, and then sprinkled flour over it again.

"That looks like a pizza." Pin observed as you placed another roll on top of the first and started to fold them together.

"Yeah, I guess it does... Arthur?" you called out, and the butler quickly made his way to the kitchen, taking a long look on you and Pin, probably surprised to see you covered in flour. "Does this look right?"

"That looks just like it should," Arthur confirmed, and looked over the remaining ingredients on the table. "The recipe for those cookies you're making next calls for baking powder, not baking soda though. I think there's baking powder in here."

He reached over to one of the shelves, and pulled out a glass jar, putting it on the table. You nodded gratefully at him, taking another look at the rolls.

"I think it's supposed to be folded like this, right?" you asked Pin.

"Yes," he agreed and followed your example, folding the dough over itself. You placed the rolls on the cookie sheets and put a bit of extra flour on them to keep them from sticking to each other or anything else. Arthur nodded at you, leaving the room again as he saw that you're getting on with it.

You kept working, adding flour when needed and folding the dough until it was ready. You finished it off by sprinkling cinnamon sugar onto the top, and then placed them in the oven to bake and setting the timer.

"We'll, now onto those cookies," you told Pin and picked up the mixing bowls, starting to make another dough. It would be a long day of baking, especially when you insisted on doing everything by yourself, not wanting any bigger help from Arthur even when he had gotten a proper, professional training on baking and cooking, and even Pin could barely squeeze himself in to help you.

But there still wouldn't be a better way to spend a day, you had fun together and you knew that all those delicious cookies and pastries you were making would be loved at the Prom.

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