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Prompt: D11. Books

Word count: 818

Your favorite way to past time, beside horses, had always been reading. You'd found a book in the library you had been drooling for months, but it had been sold out everywhere, and now you were quick into devouring it. You snuggled up at the hay shelter with a blanket as you read a few chapters more. At least you meant for it to be just a few chapters, but you suddenly snapped into reality when you realized that sun had already almost set and that you should have probably headed back to Pin's house hours ago. You hoped that his father wouldn't be mad at you, after all, he had kindly took you in when you came to visit the island from the mainland, despite not seeing you since you were no taller than a fire extinguisher. You and Pin had been best friends until you had to move to the mainland, but you had come back to visit once you saw the picture of the new Duke of the island and recognized the name.

Your stomach let out a loud growl in protest of not eating anything since lunch, and you groaned, climbing down from the hay pile.

"Y/N? What are you doing here this late? We thought you went home, almost everyone else did too," you heard a voice say from the left and you turned to see Pin. You smiled sheepishly.

"Got lost into a book again..." you replied, waving the said book in front of him. "I just get so invested in them, I didn't look at the time, and now I'm hungry. I know missed dinner, sorry."

He chuckled. "Don't worry about it, we all know how it is. I think there's some snacks in the fridge in the tack room, you'll manage with them until the morning. Come on."

You followed him to the tack room, and soon you had a sandwich in your hand and a bottle of fresh juice in the other, gratefully munching away and sipping the cold drink. Pin waited around until you had finished eating, making notes of all the work the team had done that day and after that, you mounted your horses and began riding towards Pin's castle.

"So... any exciting stuff in your book?" Pin asked after riding for a while and you snorted.

"If you keep asking for spoilers, you have soon read the book without reading it. You have to read the book, I refuse from giving away any more."

"Fair enough then," he chuckled.

The sun was setting by the time you reached the castle and you dismounted your horse and led her to the stable, taking off her equipment and giving her some hay and fresh water, before you kissed her goodnight. Pin waited you outside the stall, already having done it with Elvis. You yawned and stretched, trying to find the energy to go upstairs, change into your pajamas and brush your teeth. The thought of that all felt very unpleasant while being so tired. At this point, you weren't so sure anymore if you had been the hero in the story instead of the protagonist, at least she had done a lot during those chapters you had read.

Pin looked amused when he saw how tired you were. "Do you need me to carry you?"

You scoffed and rolled your eyes. "Oh stop it, I'm perfectly capable of going upstairs by myself."

He grinned and nodded towards the front door, where Arthur was already waiting for you. He gave you a friendly smile as you passed him, and you went straight to your room, brushing your teeth and changing into your nightwear. You went to bed and closed your eyes - but suddenly you weren't sleepy anymore. Your eyes automatically drifted to the book peeking out from your bag, and you sighed.

No. You're sleeping. You are not picking up the book, you'll read the whole night again. You nodded at yourself determinedly, pursing your lips and rolled over to forget about the book.

But like many mornings before, when Arthur came to wake you up for breakfast, he found you with your book lying beside your pillow, you having fallen to sleep while reading your book. So he closed the door, deciding to let you sleep for a while longer, already knowing that Pin would agree on that too. They all knew about your severe case of bookwormness, but it wasn't a bad thing. Pin liked hearing you rambling about your favorite characters, and everyone else at the stables had so gotten used to you sitting somewhere quiet with your book that it would feel weird not seeing you like that for longer than a week.

You just were part of their days, even when you hadn't been on the island for a long time now, but you had quickly grown to be one of them.

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