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Summary: Your birthday's morning with Pin.


Waking up on your birthday's morning isn't as magical as it was when you were a child, but being newly engaged to a duke definitely put something close to it. At least if he was asked.

You were woken up by kisses pressed against your cheek, neck, shoulder and shoulder blades, immediately making you stir with a smile.

"Mmh... good morning to you too."

"Happy birthday," Pin mumbled against your shoulder.

You turned to face him, brushing some loose strands out from his face. "Thank you."

You stared at each other for a moment, before you scooted closer and caught him looking at your ring, which prompted you to look at it too with a soft smile. Pin shifted slightly, taking your hand and running his thumb over the ring. "I was planning to propose to you today at the party first. But the girls said it would put you in an unfair position and kind of pressured to say yes. So, I made up a new plan."

You shrugged. "Yeah, I guess they're right. I mean, I would have said yes either way, but if I hadn't felt ready, you proposing me today could have dimmed the party. It was much more perfect of you proposing to me where we first met without audience, even if it was cheesy."

Pin smiled, closing his eyes for a moment. "I can't wait to see how beautiful you will look when you will walk the aisle, in your gown. Looking like a princess."

"It's funny to think I'm going to be a duchess. I never thought me playing a fairy princess as a five-year old could become true once I grow up," you chuckled, turning to look at the ceiling before you laid your eyes on Pin again. "And I'm grateful you won't follow that silly protocol, even when you were pressured to it."

Pin scoffed, shaking his head. "Making you pregnant on our wedding night with an heir is way behind 2020's. I don't know why it's still in the books."

You laughed a little. "Well, I'm glad I'm going to marry a modern duke."

He smiled at you, then leaned in to press a soft kiss on your lips. "We should probably get up. Arthur has probably worked hard for your birthday breakfast, we won't want it to go to waste."

You groaned. "You asked Arthur to make birthday breakfast? Pin, you know that I don't-"

"-like to make a big fuss out of your birthday. I know. But no," Pin finished for you as he got up and started to change. "He insisted, even after I said you don't care about anything special. He said that serving me and the future Duchess is what he has always done and will always do, that it's his life mission and makes him happy and we would basically insult him if we forbade him to do so. Especially after he was with no one to serve for so long. I have a feeling he's made something special."

You nodded with a small sigh, but got changed as well and you made your way downstairs together.

"Happy birthday, my lady," Arthur greeted you with a bow, and gestured towards the table, where all your friends already sat. "I took a freedom to invite your friends and family over to have breakfast."

You nodded and looked over to the table - pancakes, waffles, bacon, breadsticks, pastries, variations of egg dishes, fruit plates and toasts filled the entirety of it, and your eyes lit up as you looked at Arthur. "Oh Arthur, this looks amazing."

"I'm glad you think so. Enjoy your meal, I have to excuse myself to attend to other tasks before the party."

You sat down at the table, immediately receiving a flurry of birthday wishes and some of your friends who hadn't already, wanted to see your ring.

"It's so beautiful," Becky squealed, staring at it and you smiled at her reaction.

"Yeah, Pin knew I wouldn't want anything gaudy, so... this is perfect," you replied, looking over at Pin who smiled while looking at your hand. "All the wedding preparations scare me though. It's basically a royal wedding, so... it will be just that. Royal. Big. Huge. There will be some smaller members from the Royal family because Pin is related to them through his great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather or something. But not related to enough for the King to attend, thank God, that swarm of journalists would never end. I'll have a diamond tiara, a family heirloom from 1800's, which is as valuable as this castle. And in addition to that, it will be on the newspapers around England. Maybe not as the main news article elsewhere than here, but it still feels weird to think that pictures of us coming out of the chapel will be in newspapers and online. Only thing that's missing is them livestreaming it, and–"

"Well, preparation is what bridesmaids are for," Zoe giggled. "We'll help you with all of that. As for the journalists and newspapers and all those important people attending, think of it as the whole England celebrating you too."

"Most of them will hear about us the first time when there's that news article about us, but yeah. That's a nice way to think about it," you couldn't help but smile, turning your head to look at Pin, taking a hold of his hand. "And even if that day will be stressful, the most important thing is that I'm going to marry the guy I have loved since I was barely a teenager."

Your friends smiled at the sight of you two, and you returned to eat breakfast - knowing that even though turning one year older wasn't that big of a deal anymore, it could still be a magical day. Full of friends, laughter and good food, and at the end of the day, you would be able to snuggle up to your future husband, being lulled to sleep by his heartbeat - and there would be no other place in the world where you'd rather be.

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