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You felt like this was the worst idea ever.

You and horses didn't even fit into the same sentence, you had been scared of them since you had been a small child - ever since you had accidentally seen a movie scene where wild horses killed people by running over them. You had seen nightmares of that scene for years and after that, you had been left with fear for horses.

Then along came Pin.

The damn Pin with his dreamy looks and how he had ended up befriending you. And when he had heard that you're afraid of horses, he offered to help you and brought you to Bright Fields stables, making sure the way was clear to that one enclosure he had prepared for you. So here you were, holding hands with your crush, your heart pounding in your head as you were walking across the yard.

"This is Flicka." Pin gestured towards the black mare with a shiny mane. "She's our kindest one, she loves people. She's usually the first horse kids ride here."

Pin let go of your hand to scratch Flicka, and you swallowed as the pounding stopped. Even when Pin said she's kind and wouldn't jump at you without a reason like you seemed to think, it felt scary to be so near something so large. Flicka looked at you curiously, but you just stood there, being nervous and having your arms crossed.

"Do you want to give her a pat?" Pin asked. You kinda wanted to say no, but you knew Pin was trying to help, and you wanted to impress him somehow. And crushing on a boy who loves horses wasn't the best situation if you were scared of them. So you nodded, and carefully reached out your hand to touch Flicka's muzzle, inching towards her like she was a bomb. You squeezed your eyes shut as you finally reached her, and your hand landed on her head.

It went good at first, and you opened your eyes and broke into a disbelieving smile. It wasn't so bad, and Pin smiled at you too. But then Flicka snorted, making you jump back.


Pin was at your side the moment you were stumbling back, steadying you with his arm and you felt like you could die at the spot.

"Are you okay?" he asked you and you stared at him. You felt like your heart was blowing up any minute, but somehow you could bring yourself to nod.

"Y-yeah. I'm okay. Thank you." you stuttered out and turned to look at Flicka. "I know she didn't mean to scare me."

You took in a deep breath and stepped forward again to continue patting Flicka, and this time went well. You could feel your fear melting away, and even found yourself cooing at the horse a bit. You barely registered it when Pin took a hold of your other hand, proud of this first step you had taken.

"Next time, we could try out walking her around the arena?" Pin asked you, and you suddenly became very aware of him holding your hand again. You blinked, staring at your joined hands before you looked at Pin again and offered him a soft smile.

"I'd like that."

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