Inanimate Representatives

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 "Give me liberty, or give me death."  Patrick Henry

I will walk in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts. Psalms 119:45

Precept: “a general rule intended to regulate behavior or thought” New Oxford American Dictionary

Today while I was driving home, I passed a colonial style brick house. I've passed it many times, but never have thought much of it. It's a nice house, one most would be proud to own, but it's not a mansion, it's an American upper-middle class home. This time while I passed by, I noticed something about it, not something that makes it stand out per se, but a feature on the house reminded me of something. The entrance of the house has an unfinished, unprotected copper roof. Over time, oxidation has turned the roof from a beautiful copper color to a patina'd green turquoise that copper oxidation produces. But it's not the roof that stood out in my mind as I passed by, rather, it reminded me of another copper formation that is substantially more famous. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breath free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest tossed, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” These words written by Emma Lazarus can be found on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, they perfectly describe the cause and struggle of freedom throughout the world. That emerald statue of oxidized copper stands magnificently above the New York Harbor as a symbol of freedom and democracy. Next time you pass by a piece of tinted copper, remember the Statue of Liberty and the pride you feel because of her. Many have sacrificed their all for the values she espouses and many have risked everything to realize her qualities. Next time were struggling with something in our lives, remember the struggles of those on the path to freedom, the struggles she stands guards against. Yes she is just a statue, and yes that was just a roof I passed by on my way home, but some of the most valuable objects we have in life do not find their value in their physical worth, but in the values they remind us of.

Daily Journal Questions

How did I help someone today?

Name an act of of kindness I performed today.

What have I learned today?

Who did I love today?

What is my goal for tomorrow?

This is not intended to be a traditional style book, it is more of a daily devotion than anything, but with a spin I hope you appreciate.  I have attached five daily journaling questions meant to help you and I reflect and improve on our lives.  I hope you make it a point to read my messages as much as you can.  

For the entire experience you can visit my blog at you can also friend me on Facebook and I'll be forever in your debt.

Thanks for reading,

Jacob Summers

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