Valuable Faults

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“Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.” Malcom S. Forbes

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.  Psalm 139:13-14

Dignity: “the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect” New Oxford American Dictionary

How many times do we get up in the morning, look in the mirror and see nothing but flaws? Being a guy, in reality, I don't usually see my flaws in a mirror, I see them on the basketball court, at work, and even when I'm driving. My point is, most people do just what today's quote states. We run around putting a magnifying glass on all the mistakes we make and forget about all our successes. If everyone concentrated only on their flaws or mistakes no one would accomplish anything at all. Imagine if Ford only produced cars they were absolutely certain would last forever and never have a flaw. Some of you might be thinking right now, “That would be a good thing.” But in reality, if that were the case, Ford would never produce a car; and if they did, it would be well beyond the price range of most everyone. We all have flaws, and we will all make mistakes in life, it's part of the human experience. When it comes to our daily duties as neighbors, employees, or family members, let's embrace our not-so perfect characteristics when we can; and when we can't, let's focus on Jesus, “The author and perfector of our faith.” Hebrews 12:2 God will take care of our imperfections in time. Concentrating on our beauties God gave us will lead to a much more happy and dignified life. And isn't everyone attracted to happiness?

Daily Journaling Questions:

How did I help someone in kindness today?

What did I learn today?

What am I thankful for?

Who did I love today?

What am I dreaming for?

What about today do I want to remember forever?

What are my goals for tomorrow?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. You mean the world to me.


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