Your, No, You're Capabilities!

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“It's my failure to sound like my heroes that's allowed me to sound like myself.” John Mayer

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14

Ambiguous: “capable of being understood in two or more possible senses or ways” Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Do you know full well that you are fearfully and wonderfully made? We are all meant for a purpose, and like no fingerprint matches another, no purpose is quite like another. So when discouragement tries to creep in because you can't do what your dad, mom, or hero can do; know that you have something great and special about you that is powerful and wonderful. In a way we are all ambiguous beings; on one hand we're flawed and our abilities are shoddy at best, but on the other we can change the world. You know Donal Trump has terrible hair. If he found his value in his hair and compared himself to, and wanted to be like someone with great hair, he would be a complete failure. Instead he doesn't focus on his hair, he focuses on his abilities and those are what have helped him accomplish so much. Because we live in a world of sin, and sin has tainted our once perfectly designed bodies, we all have something about us that is terrible. Maybe it's how we react to our favorite football team losing on sunday, maybe it's our ability and desire to maintain a nice yard, or maybe it's our ability to walk, or even talk. Guess what, all those things can be out shined by our abilities. Stephen Hawking, one of the great minds in current history can't walk or talk, but he manages to write books and influence the scientific community because he focuses on his abilities. God will not allow imperfections authored by sin to overshadow the abilities He's blessed us with. So what abilities do you have, and what can you do with them?

Daily Journaling Questions:

How did I help someone in kindness today?

What did I learn today?

What am I thankful for?

Who did I love today?

What about today do I want to remember forever?

What are my goals for tomorrow?

Thank you so much for reading.


Daily Self Growth JournalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora