Stay Alive

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Hours before the exhibition:

      Jae was lying almost lifelessly on the floor, probably looking dead to anyone who happened to come in. She had given up, it was true, and she hated herself for it. She couldn't give up, but her body just wouldn't move. Get up. GET UP. She yelled at herself, but she wouldn't budge. She heard the door to her balcony click open, but she didn't bother to see who it was.

      "Just what do you think you're doing?" A woman's voice, that sounded too good to be true. She didn't respond, thinking she had properly lost her mind. However, when she was roughly grabbed by the arms and lifted up to face the voice that had addressed her, she came to her senses a little. She was staring right in the fiery expression of Miss Yeona, who looked disheveled yet still as powerful as ever.

      "Miss Yeona..?" Jae mumbled out, and as soon as she spoke, she was being pulled towards the balcony. "Where are we going?" She deadpanned. Miss Yeona didn't stop pulling her. "Where else? I've come to help you rescue your soulmates." she replied without looking back.

      "You'll get killed. But what else is new. Everyone gets hurt because of me." Jae replied, repeating her fathers words that he had spat at her earlier
That was what finally made Yeona stop dead in her tracks.

      She wasted no time telling Jae how she felt about that statement by towering over her and shaking her a little,"You listen to me. I've risked my LIFE to come save you, to help you, and I find you here, having a pathetic pity party for yourself? I could EASILY leave you here to rot, but I won't. Because my Joonie, and the pack he cares for so dearly, would suffer a fate worse than death if I did. Now, are you going to subject them to that fate, or are you going to fucking do something about it?"


     When Jae threw herself with all of her strength into Yoongi, she was surprised that she actually managed to knock him down at all. This was part of the plan, as unorganized as it may be. She could still hear her father screaming her name in disbelief as she jumped from her seat and ran to the dome as fast as she could.

     Both her and Yoongi landed on the grass with a hard thud, and the panther didn't waste any time lunging for his attacker. Jae managed to roll her whole body out of the way to escape Yoongi's ferocious jaws as they shut around nothing with a deafening snap.

      He started to hiss at her and crouched, slowly circling and preparing to pounce on the new prey that had appeared in front of him. In the distance, she could hear her father barking orders frantically, as well as confused audience members murmurs and whispers.

     Yoongi was laser focused on her, yellow eyes boring into hers as she tried not to lose her nerve. She briefly glanced behind her, back at Jungkook, seeing the small gray bunny confused and shivering in fear. She noticed that his eyes looked cloudy, as if there was fog in them and he was looking in one specific place. Could he not see?

       A low, threatening hiss from Yoongi grabbed her attention again. She knew this wasn't him. Whatever sick drugs her father had put in him, he could get past this. He looked angry, but she knew none of it was his fault. She had to get her Yoongi back.

       "Yoongi, listen to me. This isn't you. You would never hurt Jungkook...or me." She was getting desperate. She only got a low, threatening growl in return, and she knew what she had to do. She was out of options, and time.

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