Warfare Arc Chapter 53: A Plan To End The Conflict

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You're still passed out, now laying in a comfortable bed as you toss and turn. Each breath was now a deep gasp as memories flash in your mind as your heart races, the sound of your beating heart . The first memory, was Cinder turning Pyrrha into ashes. The second, was Yang falling and disappearing in the bridge dimension between Atlas and Vacuo. Followed by Blake and Ruby falling. Then seeing Penny lying on the ground, pale and motionless. Finally, you see Weiss and Jaune falling. 

You then sit up, finally taking in a deep breath as you're now wide awake. A door creaks open causing you to look at whoever was there. You see a small, pink, female figure looking at you.

Female: Good. You're finally awake.

You hold your hand up and launch a ki sphere at her as you didn't know if she was a friend or an enemy. She holds her hand up and catches it before crushing it into nothing. This catches you by surprise as you didn't know what to expect now.

Female: Relax. I'm not an enemy. I'm brought you here to help you. 

She then tosses some clothes on to the bed you were laying in. You see that they look like the gi you wore back at Beacon. As you pick it up, you notice it feels just like the original.

Female: Put those one and meet me as soon as possible. We have much to do, and discuss. *she then leaves and closes the door to the room you're in*

You then get out of the bed and change into the gi. Once you are dressed, you exit the room and see nothing but grass and a big glass-like dome. The dome has a pathway leading to a house with a tree growing inside the house. The figure was in there setting up a table. You walk over to the dome and enter it, seeing the same pink figure from before. She turns and looks at you, motioning you to come to her as she pours some tea into some cups.

Female: Please, sit down. We have much to discuss. 

After a while, she had told you mostly everything. Mainly about herself.

You: So, you're Chronoa, the Supreme Kai of Time. You watch over every timeline and make sure time runs smoothly.

Chronoa: That is correct. *she seems really happy that you remembered what she said*

You: So, mind telling me why you brought me here?

Chronoa: Because there is a pretty big issue, and if it isn't stopped, your timeline will be a disaster for everyone.

You: Huh?

Chronoa: You need to keep the relics away from Salem. Do that, and everyone will survive.

You: We were able to, but now she has half of them.

Chronoa: I know. She wasn't supposed to get them.

You: But she did.

Chronoa: Because the timeline has changed. I pulled you away from falling because you need to get them away from her. You need a plan to get them away from her and keep the last two safe.

You: Well, Ozpin did say that the Beacon relic is the hardest to get to. Winter, the Winter Maiden, is in Vacuo with the rest of my friends. So two Maidens are over there now, but I doubt it will be enough.

Chronoa: You're right. Is there anything there that can stop her?

You: I don't know. We've never been against the wall this bad. 

You then close your eyes and try to think of someway to stop Salem and prevent her from having the relics. No matter what you think of, it doesn't seem to work. Every outcome seems to fail.

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