Chapter 21: Coincidence

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14th January 1977
Regulus woke up yet another day at Hogwarts. The sun was sneaking through the curtains and shone on Regulus' face. Right now his days were in a boring loop. He would wake up, get annoyed about the roommates arrangement, how could somebody even like Oliver? He was annoying and clingy, he couldn't take hints and seemed so innocent. After that he got dressed, packed his bag and looked at the day's schedule.

He went down to eat breakfast with Barty and Evan, although this time the hot chocolate was gone. It triggered Regulus' mood so much that he was now moody. He contemplated drinking some sort of tea but then he noticed Rosalind preparing a mug and he decided not to. He was not like that whore.

This day had sucked a lot more than the rest of the days, in transfiguration there wasn't practical work, in ancient runes they didn't even get to do work, only listen to the teacher, potions lifted up his mood for a little while until Rosalind bumped into his cauldron (on purpose) and spilled out his potion that he had made more perfect than perfect.

Lunch was bad, the food stinked for some reason and he was almost late to the last class. After that he had studied for over four hours, which made him miss dinner and he was now starving. Regulus had put away the homework and needed some air plus something to eat, he was craving some pancakes.

He went out in the courtyard and stayed there for a few minutes. He breathed in the air and during those minutes he was at peace. He had gone back into Hogwarts after that and went to get food. He made his pancakes and put out whipped cream and jam. He drank a glass of water too. When he was full and happy he exited the kitchens and began to walk back to the common room.

Regulus wasn't the luckiest person in the world because the second he turned a corner, somebody ran into him and that person fell to the floor immediately. "Watch where you're going!" Regulus exclaimed and sighed. "Salazar." he muttered.

"Are you blind?" Rosalind asked, annoyed as she stood up. "Black?"

"What are you doing here?" they asked at the same time and then sighed in unison. Then they snapped their heads at the other and glared at each other. If it hadn't been Regulus, Rosalind would've found the situation quite comical.

"Your clumsiness has finally caught up with you." Regulus smirked and dusted off his clothes. "Your nonfunctional eyes seems to have caught up with you too, cause you're blind, mate." Rosalind said and smirked.

"Oh, forgive me for calling out your eyes like that, your whole body is nonfunctional." she added and crossed her arms.

Regulus heard some muttering and metal clanking. "For the record-" Rosalind started but Regulus shut her up by putting his hand on her mouth.

Rosalind's own hand was quick to grip Regulus arm and take it off her body. "What do you think you're doing?" she exclaimed loudly.


"Don't shush me!" Rosalind exclaimed.

Regulus sighed and grabbed her arm. He and dragged her into the nearest broom cupboard, which happened to be very small.

"What are you doing?" Rosalind asked confused. "Just be quiet, Bulstrode." Regulus sighed as they stood pressed up against each other in the small space.

"Did you hear something, Mrs Norris?" they heard Filch's voice ask. In return he got a meow that was far closer to them than Filch himself. 

Probably infront of the cupboard's door. Regulus looked at Rosalind and they stared wide eyed at each other. Rosalind looked back at the door with anticipation, waiting for Filch to open it, they were doomed already. Regulus on the other hand had Filch far away from his mind, he just thought about Rosalind practically standing on his feet.

He started to breath heavily and the clanking of metal and muttering came closer to them. "We are so done." Rosalind mumbled when they saw the door knob turning. Just as the door clicked, somebody was shouting down the hall and a laugh erupted soon after, Peeves.

Filch had left the cupboard and was sprinting down the hall. Rosalind opened the door a tad bit and peeked through the door opening, Filch was running out of sight and when he was fully gone, she opened the door all the way and left the claustrophobic space.

Regulus let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when Rosalind exited the cupboard.

Why was he acting like this?


The next day after school, Regulus went down to the quidditch pitch for practise. It was snowing outside but that didn't stop Frederick from holding practice. He graduate this year and want to have won the quidditch cup as the captain of the team.

He held his broom in his hand and his bag in the other. Regulus was heading towards the locker rooms to change for practise. He actually like Frederick as captain and wondered who would be captain next year.

The most of the team were already in the locker room, Frederick was there of course and two sixth years stood and chatted in the corner. They only missed Oliver. The two girls on the team was in another locker room.

Ten minutes later they were out on the pitch, they just saw the Gryffindors walk off and Regulus kept his gaze firmly on the ground to avoid any eye contact with his brother or his friends.

After that they were up in the air, trying new strategies and trying to fly faster. Only a few people were watching in the stands. But the five people that were watching, were shuddering and shivering. At least the team got to move around to keep their body warmth.

By the time they were done, it had been dark outside for a long time, Regulus took his time in the shower, the warm water was really satisfactory. When he exited the shower, only Oliver was left and he was almost done.

Regulus quickly got dressed, not saying a word to Oliver, but he didn't seem to want to start a conversation either. It was awkward, Regulus wasn't going to lie. When Oliver finally left, Regulus breathed out and continued to pack his stuff and put in his used clothes in his bag. Dinner was in thirty minutes and he planned on going.

He exited the locker room only a few minutes after Oliver. Regulus was surprised to see Rosalind and Oliver standing very clothes to each other. They weren't making out but their lips were so close they almost touched. He got annoyed at them and walked back to the castle. Leaving the two of them alone outside the locker rooms.

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