05 : First meetup.

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"You picked.. the park ?"

Taehyung looked at Mira, cocking his head sideways.

After agreeing on a deal, the two parted ways as Taehyung had to finish up his other painting, plus, he didn't really had anything to do.

A few days later they met up again as he was ready to start, but she was surprised at his choice of place to meet up.

"Don't know what you like and the next piece will probably be in green tones, it's more than perfect for what we have to do." He answered.

She noticed he carried a small bag with him but before she could ask him more he was already walking away, making her sigh before following him.

"Do you have a name for your other piece ?" She asked.


"What about this one ? Do you pick a name before or after ?"

"Usually after."

"How long-"

"Here, it'll be nice." He cut her off.

Mira froze with her lip in a pout of disbelief, eyebrows raised.

For someone who wanted to hear her talk, Taehyung was quite dry with his answers, clearly surprising her.

She watched him pull out a blanket from his bag that was neatly folded, putting it on the green grass.

There was a small lake behind with swans peacefully swimming on it, a small wooden bridge cutting right in the middle of it.

The trees seemed greener than the ones in the rest of the park, in fact, there seemed to be more flowers on this side as well.

As he sat on the blanket she understood that she must do the same and imitated him, watching him pull out a few drinks and snacks from his bag along with a notebook, a pencil and a rubber.

It wasn't difficult to know what the last elements were for, but she was intrigued as to why he brought snacks.

He didn't seem like the caring type of guy.

At most, he looked like the type to break up by text, with four words and a period at the end.

We're breaking up.

Yeah.. Exactly that.

"What's your favorite color ?"

"Huh ?"

His voice cut her transe, but the way he looked up at her put her right back in it.

The soft wind blows messed up his already messy hair a little, his expression completely innocent yet passion could be seen in his eyes as he twirled the pencil around his slender fingers.

He was attractive, with no doubt.

She grabbed a can of coke and opened it to calm herself, taking a small sip under his intimidating gaze.

"I asked for your favorite color, needs to know if it matches green." He spoke up again.

"Oh.. Pink." She answered, watching him wrote it down at the corner of the page. "Taehyung isn't this supposed to be a discussion ? I can feel that it's just be an interview."

"I don't like discussions, usually people are not open-minded enough for my taste, and there's nothing worse than discussing with people that are close-minded." He answered, his tone flat as usual.

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