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Tuesday, July 26th


We've been in Florida for two days. They're doing good for being somewhere new. Sunday before we left we went to see Angel because it was his birthday.

We went to Disney World yesterday and they liked it. We didn't do everything because they can't do everything but what they can do we still didn't do all of it. So, we're going back today.

Lax- "can we call princess before we go?"

Me- "go ahead" he got his iPad and brought it back to his and Lena's bed.

Sage- "hey"

"hi princess"

Sage- "what y'all doin"

Lena- "about to go to disney world"

Sage- "that's fun"

Lax- "we got on rides yesterday"

Sage- "were you scared"

Lax- "i wasn't but lena was"

Lena- "no i wasn't"

Lax- "yes you were, you had me hold your hand on all the rides" she hit him

Me- "lena."

Lena- "sorry"

Sage- "it's ok to be scared lena. i was scared on some of the rides too but they were fun"

Lena- "ok. but don't tell anybody else that" and she pushed his head

Sage- "have y'all done anything else yet?"

Lena- "we got in the pool"

Lax- "but kani made us put on floaties" he said rolling his eyes

Me- "i mean if you wanna drown ok"

Lena- "i didn't get to show you my swimsuit"

Sage- "tell kani to send me a picture next time y'all go"

Lax- "and kani has something to tell you" and they both looked at me. I swear to god these kids is some snitches.

Sage- "tell me what"

Lena- "at the pool it wa-" Laxton put his hand over her mouth and handed me the iPad

Me- "hey sexy"

Sage- "hey"

Me- "it was a girl at the pool that gave them her number to give to me and then when they went over to the slide she came over and started talking to me. i told her i had a girlfriend though"

Sage- "aw. thought it was something bad"

Me- "they're dramatic. threw a whole fit about me telling you but when we got in it was late and i was tired"

Sage- "umhm, give the ipad to them" I passed it back

Sage- "lena text me if anything else happens" Lena giggled and said ok

Me- "ok the uber's here"

"bye princess, we love you"

Sage- "bye i love y'all too" I grabbed the iPad

Me- "uh?"

Sage- "i love you too sekani"

Me- "damn."

Sage- "i love you too baby"

Me- "i love you" and then she hung up. Rude.


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