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Saturday, October 29th


Me- "sexyyy" I called out to her as I was going back in my room

Sage- "hum" she was working on her computer.

Me- "it's a pa-"

Sage- "whoes is it"

Me- "ion know kash told me about it"

Sage- "are the rest of them gonna be there?"

Me- "yea"

Sage- "ok"

Me- "you gon go?"

Sage- "yea i'll go but i'll drive my car cause if i wanna leave early you shouldn't have to"

Me- "no. if you ready to leave we can leave"

Sage- "ok, we gotta dress up?"

Me- "he said that people were but we don't have to"

Sage- "good cause i don't want to"

Me- "you not gon dress up with the twins for monday?"

Sage- "yea for when we take them"

Me- "and then for meee"

Sage- "bye."

Me- "i'm serious i want my lil nurse" I said moving her computer and getting in between her legs pulling her so she was laying on her back.

Sage- "sekani go on somewhere" she said laughing and looking down at me. She had on shorts so I started kissing the insides of her thighs while looking at her

Sage- "no" she said lifting my face and bringing me up to her. I was hovering over her

Me- "why"

Sage- "because i would like to be able to walk tonight"

Me- "what that gotta do wit me eatin"

Sage- "you gon trick me into wanting more" I laughed

Sage- "no because that always happens. it starts with head and then you come up to kiss me and start rubbin on me and shit then we end up havin sex"

Me- "do you not do the same shit to me?"

Sage- "no..."

Me- "lie again" and she started smiling. I leaned down and we started kissing.

"ewwwwww" I looked to the door and the twins were standing right there

Me- "get out then"

Lax- "why do y'all kiss"

Lena- "cause they love each other, duh" she said pushing his head

Lax- "ok but i don't kiss you and i love you"

Lena- "it's different" Sage tapped my chest and I got off her. The twins came up and got in the bed with us

Lax- "so when i get a girlfriend, i kiss her?"

Sage- "yes"

Lena- "so when i ge-"

Me- "no."

Sage- "sekani shut up. yes when you get a boyfriend you can kiss them" I smacked my lips

Lena- "why is it ok for laxton but not me"

Me- "because you my lil baby" I said bringing her into me and she started giggling.

Lena- "i thought that was princess" she said pulling away from the hug but staying on me.

Me- "she is. but you are too"

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