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Tuesday , October 11th


Prince- "sage i need you to do somethinggggg for meeeee"

Me- "what."

Prince- "i wanna kill your friendsssss, boyfriend and brother. and if you don't help me, twins will see their grandma real soon." my chest got heavy and I closed my eyes

Prince- "not the time for an attack princess"

Me- "when do you want to"

Prince- "i want to now but boss said next weekend"

Me- "what do i have to do with this"

Prince- "you're gonna set em up"

Me- "and if i don't"

Prince- "you die along with the twins"

Me- "what do i need to do" he sat closer to me

Prince- "i'm gonna kidnap you, they're gonna play hero and die. simple. easy. everybody but them goes home after" he said smiling

Me- "a-after it's done will you leave me alone"

Prince- "of course not, baby we're gonna be together" I physically cringed so hard

Prince- "oh don't do that, you'll love being with me. you've been doing good with not telling him about our friendship, just this one last thing and you don't gotta worry about him no more."

Me- "why do you wanna kill them"

Prince- "boss doesn't like rob so kill his son and his friends. leave his kids to get put into a fucked up system, girlfriend is left lonely cause she don't have ha boyfriend or brother. yea he's horrible but hey"

Me- "y'all are sick."

Prince- "it's ok because you'll be taking care of me real soon" he said touching my cheek

Me- "don't touch me." I said removing his hand from me

Prince- "whatever sage but just know if anything goes wrong people die either way, so this means. keep yo fuckin mouth closed." and he walked offf


Sekani- "sage. what did he say to you today" I was over his house right now.

Me- "if i tell you you can't tell the boys right now, ok?"

Sekani- "i can't-"

Me- "please sekani" I almost started crying

Sekani- "ok" and he kissed my forehead.

Me- "they wanna kill y'all and want me to help. they're gonna kidnap me then when y'all come get me they're gonna kill y'all. he said if i don't help or tell anybody he'll kill me and the twins" he was getting mad, I could see it

Sekani- "sage i have to te-"

Me- "no. sekani please don't, just wait"

Sekani- "wait!?"

Me- "yes" I told him the plan I had

Sekani- "baby..."

Me- "just do it kani please, he said they're doing it next week so they may take me early next week so i can actually be missing. just go with the plan please"

Sekani- "von is gonna kill me"

Me- "explain to him everything, i'm sorry i've been having you keep everything from them but just explain it when it's time"

Sekani- "ok"

Me- "the same time you tell them is when i want you to tell my mom"

Sekani- "ok, but c'mon" and he got up.

Me- "where we goin"

Sekani- "your mom is working so i can't drop them off so we goin to the basement" he went in his closet and got some stuff then we went down.

Sekani- "you know how to pick a lock?"

Me- "no"


Me- "ok why'd you just teach me that"

Sekani- "they might handcuff you" he went somewhere in the basement and came back with handcuffs.

Sekani- "sit in the chair" I sat down and he handcuffed my hands behind the chair.

Sekani- "get out" it took my a while but I picked the lock.

He made me do that a lot of times and I got better with each time.

Sekani- "now rope or anything that they can tie you down with."

Me- "ok i can sneak a bobby pin but a knife?! really"

Sekani- "yes" he handed me a pocket knife

Sekani- "i want you to wear all baggy clothes startin now. who knows when they might do it"

Me- "ok, how do i hide that i have a knife tho"

Sekani- "he thinks you're not telling me anything, so he doesn't know any of this. they're most likely gonna think you don't know shit so they won't suspect it but in case they do i gotta teach you how to move it around"

Me- "move it around?!"

Sekani- "yea, so when they check whatever spot you can move the knife and it not be noticeable that you have something.


Me- "shit that's hard"

Sekani- "i know, but you gettin it, lets try again"

We did it a few more times before he tied me to the chair and told me to get out.

Me- "ok how much rope do you have"

Sekani- "a lot, it's my dad's"

Me- "so did he teach you this?" I asked as I was getting out the rope for like the 6th time

Sekani- "some. my uncle taught me the rest"

Me- "oh"

Sekani- "so all of this, i don't want you to do until you know we're there"

Me- "ok, how ima know? like wait till i see y'all?"

Sakani- "no"

Me- "so how"

Sekani- "ima tell you"

Me- "huh? wait...am i gonna get an ear piece" I asked smiling

Sekani- "yea"

Me- "you sure y'all not like the mafia or some shit" he laughed

Sekani- "i'm sure but we just got em because people start stealing products so he started sendin people to go check out otha gangs and needed a way to confirm anything"

Me- "oh, does it have a tracker?"

Sekani- "yea- you shouldn't be this excited"

Me- "sorry"

Sekani- "von really is gonna kill me"

Me- "no he won't"

Sekani- "he will but ok"

Me- "can we fight?"

Sekani- "now?"

Me- "yes" he shook his head yea and took his t-shirt off"

Me- "no. put it back on, that's not fair"

Sekani- "don't get distracted" and we started.

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