|| Chapter XXX ||

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Word Count : 2451 words 


( 10 Years Ago )
( (F/N) (L/N) POV )

***** One Day Left *****

I pressed my ear as hard as I could against the door, in hopes of being able to hear at least something.

But all the voices were too muffled for me to make out clearly.

Luckily, the meeting room was on the ground floor, so the window of this particular room looked over the vast garden and backyard of the mansion.

I ran as fast as I could through those hallways, and ran out of the mansion into the blistering heat. The sun beat down on my pale skin mercilessly.

I turned left twice, and arrived at the back of the mansion, which consisted of  beautiful, well-groomed trees, shrubs and several bonsais. A small pool with cute, tiny fish was present at the center, and a water fountain completed the view.

This was the eastern side of the mansion, so it provided some shade from the evening sun.

I wiped the sweat off my brow, and I tried to peek through the ledge of the meeting room window.

The curtains were drawn, so I could not see anything inside the room. However, I could now make out the faint whispers and voices of its inhabitants.

"..... must protect them at all costs," I could hear one voice say. "They're the only ones in the main bloodline, so their survival is crucial."

"Post as many guards around them as possible. I reckon we shift them to the summer house in Jakarta for the time being."

"It would be unnecessary. Besides, we could use this as an opportunity to awaken his quirk. The boy is seven, and will turn eight in a day. According to the doctor, he isn't quirkless, just a late bloomer. This incident could very well serve as the incident to awaken his Sharingan."

"Too risky. Besides, Mr. (L/N) has not returned yet, and we don't think he will be back before tomorrow. We do not know if this threat is legit. In the case it is, we must put children before adults — hope before wisdom."

"I'll stay with them," I could hear Mother's voice. "(F/N) and Yui will stay with me. Let them sleep in my room tonight."

"Are you sure that will suffice, Madam (L/N)? For all we know, we could have all of Japan's Pros hot on our heels by tonight. I'm surprised that we did not get to know of this sooner."

"We weren't searching after all, were we? The government's never approved of us anyways. I'd like to think that this attack is solely meant to wipe us all out."

"Tch, damn plebeians..... they just want the Sharingan to themselves....."

"We haven't had many good wielders in the past few generations. There aren't many people from the (L/N) who are capable of fighting Japan's leading Pros. I shall gather more fighters from the subsidiary Families. Even if we go down, we cannot go down without putting up a resistance."

"They need to understand that Madara was one of a kind. He was the best user ever, the best Hero to have ever existed in the history of mankind. They cannot possibly hope for another Madara among us. Miracles don't happen twice."

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