This Is The Last Time

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The Last Time...

Credit to my amazing friend for helping me start it at like midnight. You're amaaaazzzzziiiiinnnnnng!!!

This song is also based off of the Taylor Swift and Gary Lightbody song 'The Last Time'

"This is the last time i'm asking you this, put my name at the top of your list. This is the last time I'm asking you why, you break my heart in the blink of an eye.."

Making promises that shatter as quickly as the words fall from their lips. There's no point in saying you're leaving when you leave with strings still attached. The strings will only allow you to go a certain distance before it chokes you and your dragged back. Its like being infinitely stuck in the cycle of love and hate never finding an end. Not allowing anyone to help you find an end because somewhere deep down you enjoy the game it has become even though it hurts. "The last time" loses its meaning and purpose just like your meaning of escape. You're not escaping them if you're constantly crawling back. Wanting more for no purpose. Just to give up over and over. There is no love if you constantly have to give up all the time. Obviously love proves too difficult. But there must be love for there is a reason you keep coming back. Is what you are coming back for love? Or is it something else??

Dans P.O.V

Here i am again, in front of a familiar apartment door. This is honestly an ongoing cycle. We fight, we break up, I leave and then a few days later I'm back again. But... I just can't live without her. I love her too much to permanently leave her. I love her so much that I can't bear being away from her. But this really isnt fair on her. Whenever I leave, I always say that I'll never come back, that this is finally it. I'm constantly breaking her heart and I can't stop it.

I shakily and hesitantly knock on her apartment door. Shes probably in her room, crying. I get lost in my thoughts about her when i find that the door had been opened.

"What do you want, Dan?" She sighs angrily. God she has been crying, and this is all my fault. If I had never just said that one thing, we'd still be fine. "Well, are you gonna answer me? Because if not, you might as well leave. It seems that you're really good at that." She angrily said, as she was about to slam her door in my face

"Y/N, please, please just give me another chance. i promise i won't screw this up. I'm so so so sorry, love." I apologise deeply. All I want is her again, shes all i want and need. I look at her and she just chuckles

"Nice try, Howell. I've given you plenty of chances. Here you are, wearing your best apology and asking to come back. But I was there to watch you leave. And the amount of times i've let you back in my door, just for you to leave again. Dan, you break my heart each time you do this. Everytime I let you back in, I hope that everything will be okay again. I always think that it would be the last time you do this sort of thing. But it never is. Dan, i'm just tired, i'm sick of it. I don't want this to be our life." She explained. God I feel like shit. I'm the worst boyfriend ever. All I ever do is hurt her.

"(Y/N), you are the most amazing thing to have ever happened to me. I can't bear to be away for too long. To me, you're like a drug, you're an addiction. I try my best to quit you, but I always find myself craving for you, and then here I am. I can promise you, this will be the last time. And if i leave after this, I promise i will not come begging for you back. I just need this last chance. This is the last time i'm asking you this. This is the last time I hurt you. I'm so sorry." Tears were now falling from my eyes, and tears were also falling from (Y/N)'s eyes. Shes all I needed. Shes all I want. I don't know where I would be without her.

"Okay then, Dan. This is the last time. The last time i let you in my door"

"This is the last time i'm asking you, last time i'm asking you, last time i'm asking you this..."

Daniel Howell ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now