Sometime Around Midnight

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A/N: i decided to write this after seeing an ex boyfriend in a club one night making out with his girlfriend and it was emotionally harrowing i was so drunk i went in the bathroom and cried lmao (we've been broken up for ages too btw lmao)

Song(s) Used: Sometime Around Midnight - The Airborne Toxic Event (it legit relates to what happened to me)

Pairing: Dan x Reader

Warnings: swearing, alcohol, sad thoughts (everything that makes up my personality)

Word Count: 1,448 words

Genre: Angst (I just really love angst okay)

Ps. Lyrics are in bold and italic

Dans P.O.V

"and it starts sometime around midnight, or atleast thats when you lose yourself for a minute or two..."

Midnight has always been a vulnerable time. Midnight is when you're at your emotional peak, some could say.

Things in my life werent going the way i had planned, lets say. But I decided I would try my best to have a great time while I could. I mean, I was in Orlando for Playlist Live surrounded by amazing company; so I decided to follow the crowd to a party and now, here I am at midnight.

I dont know if it was because it was midnight, or because of all the alcohol I had consumed during the night, but there was something that was making me feel vulnerable, almost like I was anxious and on edge. Maybe it wasn't either of those two. Maybe it was something else?

But then she walks in, and it's almost like everything has frozen around her.

"as you stand under the bar lights, and the band plays some song about forgetting yourself for a while, and the pianos this melancholy soundtrack to her smile; and that white dress shes wearing you haven't seen her for a while..."

(Y/n) walks in looking as beautiful as she always has been, walking in wearing an amazing white dress. The band started playing some song about letting go and forgetting yourself.

How ironic.

I look towards (Y/N) and I can see her smiling brightly at everyone, the same smile she always gave me until I fucked it all up. Her smile alone is enough to take me back to all of the great times we had together, because thats the same smile she always had on, and the melody of the piano solo of the song in the background is reminding me of those times,

those times I will never get back.

I just stood by the bar, watching her, evaluating her. I was too busy watching her that I never noticed the boy that walked in behind her...

"but you know that she is watching, she's laughing, shes turning, she holding her tonic like a crux..."

For a second, I caught her eye, and I felt the heat rush to my face and I gave her a shy smile, but she gave one back.

She walks up to her group of youtuber friends at the party, and it seems like she's having a great time, she's laughing, she's dancing and holding her drink as if her life depended on it.

All while looking my way, kind of like a message to tell me that her life is great.

But seeing her so happy and having fun is almost breaking my heart, because I'm feeling the complete opposite

"the room suddenly spinning she walks up and asks how you are, so you can smell her perfume; you can see her lying naked in your arms..."

The night started to progress and I got even drunker to forget about all of the memories that came with seeing (Y/N) at the party tonight. I guess I should've known that she would be here, but part of me was convinced that she would never show up.

Daniel Howell ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now