Somebody Else

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A/N: Hey guys! Thank you so much for 6,000 reads on this book and over 200 votes, that is amazing. So the song that I have based this off of has been stuck in my head ever since it came out and I am in love with it. The 1975 did an excellent job with it!

Song Used: Somebody Else -The 1975

Genre: Angst (kinda sad not really lmao)

Word Count: 1132 words

Pairing: Dan x Reader

Your P.O.V

Rumors, there were a whole bunch of rumors circling the internet. It's almost as if these rumors were just spread all over the internet  in hopes that I will see them and fall apart. And the internet won. The internet won and I'm sprawled out on my hotel room floor just wishing the world could just disappear and I wouldn't have to relive this nightmare again tomorrow. The news article was open in my internet browser taunting me every time I looked up.

"Dan Howell and (Your/Full/Name) Split? Dan seen with Mystery Girl"

"Dan Howell Having An Affair? New Mystery Girl While (Your/Full/Name) Is On Tour"

And just a whole bunch of stuff like that. And I knew deep down it couldn't be fake because the photos were sourced and they looked legit. It almost seemed like everybody was talking about it, well all the gossip sites were and seeing the pictures that were attached made me feel sick to the stomach.

At first I thought that it was all a lie, I didn't want to believe that Dan would do something like this, I just couldn't. But the more I lay on the ground and let it set in, the more real it seems and I feel like my world is ending right before my eyes. What am I supposed to do now? Everybody knows, and I can't act like everything is alright because everyone knows it's not.

Needless to say my phone has been blowing up with text messages and calls from Dan and all of his friends. I have no energy in my to pick up the cellphone, that is continuously going off somewhere in the room. I just want this whole thing to be over. This tour, this heartbreak, this everything.


Tour eventually came to an end and I found myself back in London. The end of tour was shit, having to put on a fake smile and a fake facade for the last few weeks. But while on tour, I managed to get in touch with a housing company and get a new flat, since I was living with Dan and Phil. I still haven't spoken to Dan, and why would I? I have no desire to talk to him at the moment, or ever. I take infidelity very seriously, if you cheat on me, I'm done.

But right now, I'm getting all of my stuff that is important to me, from his flat, everything else he can just throw away, I can do without the rest of things I'm leaving there. I still have my key that Dan gave me, so as soon as I reach the front door I unlock it and walk in. As soon as I make it up the stairs I'm met with a worried looking Phil. He looks startled when he sees me and almost screams. The feeling of panic came over my head and I kept on shaking my head, like I was saying 'please, don't make any sound, don't say anything.' Phil caught onto that, and he was quite surprised to see me.

"I'm just here to get some stuff, then I'm leaving" I whispered to Phil, he looks at me, the look of confusion on his face.

"Where I you staying?" He asks, worried about me. I tell him how I managed to get a flat while on tour, and he nods his head sadly. I'm gonna miss Phil. I give him a big hug and I felt like I was gonna cry. "Dan's in his room, just a bit of a warning, I'll come in and help you if you like?" I nod my head and accept his offer. As we walked down the hallway, the hallway just seemed to stretch longer and the walk felt like it was going to go on forever. We finally reach his door and Phil goes in before me.

I can see Dan from my angle and my heart starts beating profusely and I feel like I'm going to throw up. Dan is sitting on his bed looking blankly down at his phone, his thumbs furiously pressing on his phone, probably texting his mystery girl, considering my phone isn't going off and he's given up trying to contact me a few days ago. He looks up from his phone after hearing the door gently scrape across the carpet. Phil steps aside for me and I emerge from behind Phil. Dan sees me and he puts his phone down, stands up and immediately comes towards me. I put my hands out and shake my head no.

"I'm just here to get some things." I whisper looking down at the ground, tears threatening to fall from my tired eyes.

"Please, just let me explain." Dan pleads, but it's simple, there's nothing to explain. I shake my head no and head to the corner of the room where my favourite guitar was. I put it in the guitar case and put it on my back, like a bag. I head out the door and into the nerd room to get my keyboard and the stand. I bid my goodbyes to Phil and leave the flat, with Dan's pleading, asking me to stay just echo's in the background as I head to my car.

I still can't believe that Dan would find it in him to do something like this to me. Dan and I were supposed to be one of those couples that had a big huge influence on everyone we were around, we were meant to be a power couple. We had so many plans, but I guess Dan changed his mind and decided to make different plans with somebody else.

I can't stop picturing the thought of him and her together, intertwined under the sheets together like I never existed. I can't stop picturing his body with somebody else. His actions were unforgivable and I don't want to know anymore information about the affair because it'll only break me even more and I don't think that I'll be able to handle that much more heartbreak. I don't want his body but I'm picturing him leaving with her, and his body with her, and I'm picturing the images in my head until I feel sick

@y/t/n: I don't want your body but I'm picturing your body with somebody else.

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