Pregnancy Scare (Part One)

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A/N: hi so, a lot of you guys may not know this, but I turn 20 on Halloween (yesssss bitch that's right) and uh, I unfortunately am in the middle of a bit of a crisis, so pray for me, and let's all hope to god I'm not pregnant (use protection kids it's gonna be ur best friend if and when you have sex) (dental dams count) (remember if you're gonna use condoms don't double up on them) (also remember to pee after sex ladies)

Also pls watch the video above it's 10/10

Genre: angst? Fluff? You decide

Word count: 600 words

Started: 25/09/2018 1:02am
Finished: 25/09/2018 1:31am

Pairing: there really isn't a pairing but I suppose it's a Dan x reader

Your P.O.V

I remember it like it was yesterday. When in fact, it was over a month ago. I was out with my friend (let's call her Jordan), and some of her family hitting all of the clubs. There was this one guy there that was friends with her sister.

His name was Daniel.

I think? I can't remember. In all honesty I was pretty inebriated that night I can barely remember anything let alone someone's name that I barely interacted with that night.

But because the night was such a blur, the last thing I remember was falling off of a stool in a strip club, and then...

I think you know where all of this is going.

And now a month later, I'm sitting on my bed, wanting to puke, peeing like ten times a day with sore boobs, terrible headaches and the weirdest cramps ever.

And the more I thought about what was happening, the only word that came to mind was 'pregnant'. I mean, I've had friends and family who have kids and/or are pregnant. I was even telling my sister what was going on, and even though she probably meant it as a joke, she did say,

"You might be pregnant"

And if I was pregnant, how would I tell the babies father, Dan? I mean, I can barely remember what he looked like. I can barely remember anything from that night. Would I have to ask Jordans sister to get in touch with him and be like 'surprise you're gonna be a dad!' He'll just think it's some big elaborate joke.

What if I am pregnant and he thinks I'm lying? What if this 'potential maybe baby' never gets to know it's father because it's mother was too black out drunk to remember who the dad really was.

And then Jordan walks into my room, with a few pregnancy tests in her hand.

"I really don't want to do this." I say, feeling nauseous, not only because of possible pregnancy hormones, but also because of the results that this test will come out with. It's a 50/50 chance.

I know it sounds simple, I'm either pregnant or I'm not; but I guess I'm just too scared to find out.

"You're gonna find out one way or another, this is the best and safest way, and obviously pregnancy tests have a no refund policy do you kinda have to take it." Jordan says, placing the tests in my hands, ushering me to the bathroom.

"But what if I am pregnant? How am I even going to tell I guy I barely remember that I'm carrying his child?" I ask worryingly, scared, just overall terrified.

"We'll get to that when the time comes, but for now, you have to take these tests."

Wish me luck

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