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"this night is sparkling, don't you let it go. I'm wonder struck, blushing all the way home. I'll spend forever wondering if you knew, that I was enchanted to meet you..."

Your P.O.V

People are everywhere. Another party that I'm not really into, or fond of. In conversation with other people, Just faking smiles and forcing laughter at their really lame jokes and stories. Don't get me wrong, I'm with some of my best friends, and others, but I've heard all these jokes and storied before, it gets really tiring after a while. It was one of my best friends "award winning" house parties, but parties aren't really my thing. I usually only go because i get dragged there. I would usually do nothing at parties, but just look around and well, do nothing.

As I was looking around, taking in all my surroundings, sighing at all the drunk people acting like idiots, I made eye contact with these breathtaking chocolate brown eyes. His eyes looked at me as if he was asking if we had met before. I quickly broke eye contact and blushed. I look back up seconds later, to the spot that he was standing in, talking to his friends, and he was smiling at me. I break eye contact again and look down at my drink that was still basically full. All of a sudden, i feel someone move in front of me. I look up and see the mysterious guy who i was making eye contact with like 2 minutes ago. My heart stops for a second as i'm given a huge fright. I jump back slightly with a shocked expression on my face. The guy looked equally as shocked as he kept on apologising

"I am so sorry to have startled you, I didn't mean to. I just wanted to come over and talk. Uh, my names Dan. Dan Howell" Oh so that's his name. Dan.

"Oh, that's quite alright i guess, Dan. Umm, I'm (Y/N)" I say as he sits down and i shake his hand. We sit there in awkward silence for a while with not much to say or do

"So uh, (Y/N), what do you do with your life?" Dan asks intriguingly. I answered and that led onto a whole different topic. It was just topic after topic, subject after subject. This is the first sincere conversation I've had all night if i'm being honest.

We talked about all sorts of strange things and found out we had a lot in common. I also found out he was a really popular youtuber. I started to grow tired and my eyelids felt like lead. I gave out a huge yawn and check the time. It was almost 2am.

"Hey Dan, I'm gonna leave now, I'm too tired for this party" I say as i gather the few things i brought tonight. Dan gave me a quick goodbye and a goodbye hug, along with his cell phone number.

I quickly left as i wanted to get home as soon as possible. My apartment was like a 5 minute walk from the party, so i decided to walk. I was blushing all the way home thinking about what happened tonight. I get to my apartment and unlock the door, dropping my jacket and wallet on the sofa as soon as i get through the front door. I decided to give Dan a quick text, just to let him know that i got home safe

To: Dan
Hey Dan! Its (Y/N), just letting you know that i made it home safe, you know, just in case lol


I can't get Dan out of my head. I know we just met tonight and I probably sound crazy saying this, or well, even THINKING like this, BUT i feel like there could be a connection there. Am i just thinking like a semi-drunk/tired human? Or am i legit feeling these feelings and thinking these thoughts. Great. I can't sleep now. Its 2am. All this wondering and thinking about Dan has made me even more awake than ever. There's one question that keeps on repeating on my mind "Who does he love?" I've wondered about that since i got home and now i'm wide awake. And now that i'm wide awake and constantly thinking about something, i'm now pacing across my bedroom (another thing Dan and I have in common) wishing he was at my door, and i would open up the door and he would say "hey, it was nice to meet you tonight" hahaha. I'm thinking like a mad woman now

I just realized that i didn't tell him that it was nice to meet him tonight. in fact, i was ENCHANTED, yep it was enchanting to meet him tonight. Tonight with Dan was absolutely amazing, it was flawless. I feel weird for feeling like this about someone i just met but, ugh- hes just so amazing. There's just something about him that i can't get over, that i just can't get out of my head, i just hope that, that wasn't gonna be the last time that we would meet, this has to be the very first page, not where the story line ends. My thoughts will echo and repeat his name until I see him again. The words I held back as i left to soon, is that was enchanted to meet him. That's all I can say. I really was enchanted to meet him. My mind keeps repeating "Please don't be in love with someone else, please don't have somebody waiting on you"

As my eyes start to feel droopy again, and sleep once again, starts to cloud my mind when I get a text

Hey, good thing you got home safe! Thanks for telling me btw, I would have been worried all night tbh. Also, it was very enchanting meeting you tonight (Y/N), I was enchanted.

I couldn't stop smiling as i read the text

To: Dan
Hahahaha, thanks Dan I was enchanted to meet you too :)

Daniel Howell ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now