My My My!

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A/N: Hi, i still can't write smut but this is the most decent one of ever written so i hope you enjoy you sinners lmao (jk i'm the one that wrote it) (p.s wattpad hates me i tried publishing this three times last night but alas it wasn't meant to be fml)

Song(s) Used: My My My - Troye Sivan

Pairing: Dan x Reader

Genre: smut

Word Count: 1142 words

Your P.O.V

Dan and I had a very weird relationship, where we were basically in a relationship, but it was a casual relationship. You know when you first start seeing someone and neither of you know where you stand? It was exactly that, but oh my my my, I knew Dan would eventually be the death of me.

We both knew where this relationship was going, but neither of us we're willing to take the next step and do something about it. It was very evident that Dan wanted what I wanted, but still, no one was willing to do anything about it.

'Shine on, diamond, don't make me wait another day. Cause passion is passion, you know it just as well as me'

The question was banging in my head. 'Dan, where do you see us going? What are we?' it was like an echo, just constantly repeating, in my head just wanting to come out, but i couldn't.

Our relationship was very passionate when we were alone, passion played a big part in our relationship, so why weren't we doing anything about it?

Dan can see the look on my face as he has his arms wrapped around me in an embrace on his sofa. "What's wrong?" he asks, and now I know I have to do something about the echoes in my head.

'Now let's stop running from love, running from love; let's stop my baby. Let's stop running from us, running from us; let's stop my baby.'

It had now gone from an echo in my head down to a burning sensation in my throat, the question was aching to come out, so why was I holding it down?

"Dan? Where do you see us going?" and with that, the burning in my throat is gone, but now its moved to my stomach. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, maybe i should've ignored the burning and the echoes and just tried to repress it.

"What do you mean?" he asks, looking at me quizzically, confused. I take a deep breath in, to try and relieve some of the nerves and then finally asked the big question.

"What are we?" and there it was, out in the open. The big question I had been wanting to ask for weeks, no, months.

I can feel Dan tense up slightly, knowing he didn't have an answer for my question, and all of a sudden I felt extremely guilty, for putting that pressure on him for labelling our relationship. But i don't wanna be left in the dark anymore, I wanna know.

"Let's just stop running from love, and running from us for a sec, so we can figure out what this is because, Dan, I hate being left in the dark and questioning if we are ever going to go anywhere" I admitted, my heart racing with every word that was said. It honestly felt like my heart was about to jump out of my throat.

"Does this answer your question?" Dan asks, instantly connecting his lips to mine, his hands around my waist as mine go into his hair. The kiss deepens as his tongue dances with mine, his hands going from my waist to in my hair.

Oh my my my

'Spark up, buzzcut; i've got my tongue between your teeth. Go slow, no, no go fast, you like it just as much as me'

With my tongue between his teeth, he lifts me up and takes me to his room, as he lifts me, i feel what is presumably 'little dan' poke into my thigh, making me more excited for what's about to happen.

He puts me on the bed, and immediately takes off of his shirt, his mouth returning to mine, and with each breath we take, more articles of clothing are strewn across his bedroom floor. His lips go to my neck, sucking and biting, as i let out quiet moans as he attacks the flesh on my neck. His fingers brush down my stomach to where I desperately needed him, he thrusts one finger in me and then another, continuing with me neck.

'I need you' I whisper through quiet moans, and that just seemed to be enough. He inserts himself into himself into me, going slow at first, waiting for to adjust to him. And as i adjust, his thrusts get faster, and faster.

I moan louder and louder with each thrust, and each movement. I almost feel lost in a haze with him moving in me.

And I can tell Dan likes this just as much as me with his slight groans and quiet moans he emits.

"Faster" I moan to him, and he listens to my command going faster, and faster. It felt euphoric, and I could tell with his sloppy movements he was getting close. As he continues to thrust into me, he moves his thumb and rubs my clit, so I can get close to, and it works.

I feel a sensation building in my stomach as Dan groans and releases, his thumb still going on my clit to get me to finish. The sensation in my stomach becomes more apparent as i get closer. And then, as i creep even closer, I throw my head back, releasing moans as I finish.

The sensation in my stomach is now gone and both Dan and I are sweaty messes.

Dan lays next to me, cuddling me and putting a kiss on top my head.

Oh my my my

'Should be the last night ever, should be the last night we're apart. Got my name on this treasure on this treasure'

Dan still has my cuddled in his arms, as one arm plays with my hair, stroking and twirling each strand of hair in between his fingers.

"Well, that definitely answered my question." I giggled as Dan laughed at my comment, moving closer to me, if that was even possible.

"I know we've been in the dark about our relationship, but I love you so much, and I hope this means you never have to question where we are in our relationship again. You're mine and i'm yours for as long as you want me." Dan confesses, and with that, my heart bursts. I smile at him, as i connect our lips together in a sweet and loving kiss, that sealed the deal

Oh my my my...

'Oh my my my, i die every night with you. Oh my my my, living for your every move"

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