How Could You Do This, Babe?

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A/N: so this is a part two of Call Your Girlfriend that I've had in my drafts since June lmao. Hope you guys like it, Soz not soz if this isn't how you wanted part two to turn out lol

Song(s) used: Babe - Sugarland ft Taylor Swift

Genre: angst

Word Count: 1165 words

Pairing: dan x reader

Started: 17/06/2018 3:50pm
Finished: 17/06/2018 5:06pm

Your P.O.V

'What a shame, didn't want to be the one that got away...'

For the last few days, I just keep replaying the phone call in my head, it's on a never ending loop in my head. Replaying how he profusely apologised, replying how much I cried, replaying when he said he had been cheating on me... 

A few days wondering how he could do something like this.

A few days of wondering why I wasn't good enough.

Just a few days of wondering why....

"Hey. (Y/N), we need to talk about something..." his voice echoes in my mind. I try so hard to forget the words he said, but it's impossible, and now, he's gone.

"Yeah, big mistake, broke the sweetest promise that you never should have made..."

"(Y/N), I haven't been completely honest with you. I just, I just need you to know how sorry I am."

"What do you mean Dan? What's wrong?"

"(Y/N), I've found someone else, and I'm really sorry and I didn't want this to happen..."

I can't help but feel like my entire relationship with Dan had been a huge mistake that I never should have made, just like the promise he broke, that he never should have made.

He promised he would never cheat on me

And I was naive enough to fall for it,

and him...

"I'm here on the kitchen floor, you call but I won't hear it, you said "no one else"'

I sit on the kitchen floor, my knees up against my chest, thinking back on Dans promise, when he said there would be no one else, ever.

What a joke.

My phone keeps on going off with Dan's ringtone, but I refuse to answer. I dont want to hear what he has to say, or what he wants to say.

He doesn't deserve it.... but I deserve to know why.

'What a waste, taking down the pictures and the plans we made, and it's strange how your face doesn't look so innocent...'

I pick myself up off of the floor, my blood beginning to boil, thinking about everything we had made together, all the plans we had made. We were going to do so much together.

I head to what was our shared bedroom and take down every single picture I had with him in it.

Taking down everything we had made together, but something catches my eye. I look at every single photo we took in the last 6 months, and he looks guilty, like he was carrying this huge secret, the secret of cheating on me.

'I should've known...' I say to myself, looking at all of the pictures as I take them down.

'Your secret has its consequences and that's on you, babe...'

As I continue to take down all of the pictures, and everything we had together, I look down at my phone to see a text from Dan.

"Im really sorry I hurt you and I did this to you, It was never my intention.."

I contemplate the text as tears start welling up in my eyes again, and I type out my reply

"Your secret has its consequences, and that's on you, Dan..."

And all over again, our last phonecall replays in my head, on repeat.

And he calls again.

'I break down every time you call, we're a wreck you're the wrecking ball, we said no one else...'

And he continues to call, and I continue to break down in what was our bedroom, surrounded by photos of him, taken down from what were our bedroom walls. Im a wreck and he continues to wreck me like a wrecking ball.

"Please, I need to talk to you" Dan texts. I look at it and shake my head. There's nothing else to say

"What else is there to be said? We said 'no one else'. How could you do this Dan?"

'Since you admitted it, I keep picturing her lips on your neck, I can't unsee it'

The pictures in my mind of her lips on his lips, her lips on his neck, have been haunting me since he admitted it. Now whenever I see her anywhere, or whenever I think of her with him, All I can think of is that someone else has had Dan like I have.

All I can think is that for 6 months, I was sharing my boyfriend with someone else, and I never knew.

Since he admitted it, that's all Ive been able to picture. And all I've been able to think of, is that he no longer loved me anymore, but still kept me around. And I just want to know why.

'I hate that because of you, I can't love you babe...'

I hate a lot of things right now.

I hate the thought of love, because all love ever is, is a lie. Being bitter towards love is one thing, but hating love is different.

Being bitter means, you've been hurt, but you've been able to overcome some of that hurt. But absolutely hating love? That means you've gotten hurt, and you're pretty sure you're never going to get over it.

I hate the other woman for having Dan when I did

and I hate Dan, and I hate that because of him, I can't love him anymore.

And before I could even fathom what I was doing, my hand was reaching for my phone and calling him.

'How could you do this, babe? You really blew this, babe...'

Ignoring his pleas for forgiveness and apologies, I just ask him one question,

"How could you do this Dan?" and there was no answer for a while, only silence. "You really blew it, Dan. I don't think I could ever forgive you for this."

"Please, just hear me out, we can get through this, all you have to do is hear me out..." But I wasn't hearing it.

'We ain't getting through this one, babe. This is the last time I'll ever call you, babe...'

"There's no way we're going to get through this, Dan. I just can't believe you could ever do something like this." I say as tears continue to run down my face.

"Please, just listen to me." Dan continues to plead, but it's not going to happen.

"This is the last time, I'm ever gonna call you, babe..." I say with bitterness laces in my voice, and I hang up the phone, and from now on, I promise myself to never let anyone hurt me like this, again.

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