Lost In Japan

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A/N: yo fam i've been working on the for 3 months but it's finally finished (and there's 3 others that i'm working on so hopefully they'll be up soonish lol) Also if you didnt know i have another book out called The Group Chat its basically just a book with group chat texts in it 10/10 would recommend and all the chapters are based off of real groupchat convos I've had lmao

Song(s) Used: Lost In Japan - Shawn Mendes

Genre: fluff

Pairing: Dan x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 1.5k words

Started: 18/06/2018 1:31am
Finished: 18/09/2018 18:03pm

Warnings: lil bit of swearing

Dan's P.O.V

Tour was absolutely amazing. Getting to travel the world with my best friend and getting to see all of our subscribers in real life was absolutely incredible; but there was a girl on my mind.

Phil and I were currently in Hong Kong for Interactive Introverts, and this absolutely amazing girl that I had been seeing on the down low, (Y/N), was in Tokyo on a holiday with her friends, and I just couldn't stop thinking about her.. "Hey Phil, how crazy would it be if I flew to Tokyo tonight?" I asked Phil. We were in Hong Kong for an extra night before we had to fly to India and get ready for the show in Mumbai.

"Pretty crazy I guess? Do you even know where she's staying?" Phil asked, and he was right, it was a pretty crazy idea to fly 2000 miles just to see a girl that isn't technically my girlfriend. But god I just need to see her. All it would take is one flight and I could see her, and we would be in the same time zone, because all I've been doing in my spare time is looking through her timeline and seeing everything she's doing in Tokyo and I can't help but want to be there with her.

"I'm gonna ask her what she's doing and them i'm gonna go see her." I say starting to furiously type a message into my phone. Phil's expression looked very confused and bewildered.

"Dan, this isn't like London where you can just catch a cab to her flat. This is a 4 and a half hour flight, and it's already pretty late here. Plus we have a show in India in a couple days, are you even going to be back for that?" Phil tries to reason with me, but i've already sent the text and was currently waiting for a reply.

To: (Y/N)

Hey, what r u doing tonight? Any special plans?

From: (Y/N)

Hey, uh nothing too special, just finished dinner and now going back to the hotel for a quiet night in. How about u?

To: (Y/N)

What hotel r u staying at?

From: (Y/N)

Gracery Shinjuku, why's that?

To: (Y/N)

I'm probably going to do something crazy but i need u to stay awake, i'll text u in a few hours.

"Dan are you even listening to me? This probably isn't a good idea" Phil carries on trying to tell me that I shouldn't go, but as he tries to lecture me on how this is a bad idea, I booked a flight to Tokyo that leaves in a couple hours.

"Well, i've already booked a flight. I'll see you in India in a couple of days" I say throwing a couple of days worth of clothes in my backpack "Also can you please take my suitcase to India with you? Thank you bye" and then I head out of my shared hotel room with Phil, as I embark on what is probably the craziest thing I've ever done. I leave the hotel and order an uber to the airport, and as I start heading towards the airport the anxiety starts kicking in. "

Daniel Howell ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now