Tee Shirt

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A/N:  short fluff because I realized the other day I havent written any fluff in so long lmao sorry

Genre: fluff

Song(s) Used: Tee Shirt - Birdy (fun fact: I used to always cry listening to this song b/c it reminded me of my ex bf and he was a dick lmao and the fault in our stars smh)

Pairing: Dan x Reader

Word Count: 435 words

Your P.O.V

The sun was shining through the gap in my closed curtains waking me up. I yawned and stretched and instead of breakfast or social media being the first thing on my mind, the first thing on my mind was Dan.

I haven't been able to get him off of my mind for a long time, and I just think about him all of the time. It's like I'm at that stage of falling in love where I just think about everything that has to do with them.

I like to think that maybe I'm the first thing in his mind when he wakes up in the morning (or afternoon) and the sun is creeping through his window. And I like to think that maybe he's been dreaming about me like I've been dreaming about him, they're nice dreams i promise.

I think about the first time we met, and how when I first met him, he just had this effect on me that I just could shake off and everyone knew that he had this effect on me, just by looking at my face, but he didn't know. And it's funny because even though everyone knew that he had this effect on me and my eyes, no one else knew what kind of impact his words had on me, or maybe it was just the articulate way he spoke.

It was from then on, I started falling head over heals for him and everything he does, and everything he is. He's just perfect, and yes I know that nobody is perfect but he is perfect; at least in my eyes he is

And for about half of the morning I think about everything we have ever said to each other and the tee shirt that he sleeps in; the tee shirt he sleeps in is actually one that I gave him, so that makes it even more special for me.

And then I always play back a certain voicemail that he left on my phone that I'm never going to delete; the one where he told me he loved me for the first time.

I'm never deleting it

And I'm in love with him

Daniel Howell ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now