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A/N: AHHHHHH DUDES WE HIT 100K READS OMFG THANK YOU SO MUCH AHAHAHSGGSJDUDHAUAHSVEKSIAVWSNSH (a few special things are coming I promise) also, I know it's like cliche and what not but should I do something special for 100k reads? Idk let me know what I should do in the comments Ily guys so much (also pray for me I got for my driving test tomorrow and I have a feeling ya girls gonna fail)

Also guys, I have a new book out based on my chapter called 'Oops' and it's about the group chat and all of the chats in that book are based off of real life conversations I've had in my group chats so you should check it out for 10/10 bants

Pairing: Dan x fem!Reader

Word count: 1154 words

Genre: fluff

Warnings: alcohol and annoying drunk youtubers

Prompt: we got drunk and played LIFE and now you're crying because you had identical twins and you can't tell them apart.

Your P.O.V

"Soooooo, i think we should crack open the board games!" Phil says enthusiastically, as we all groan in annoyance. It was currently the annual get together at Dan and Phil's apartment, and by that I mean, it's the only night in the year that everyone is capable to drink alcohol around other people and leave their dark burrows that they call their apartments.

"Phil I swear to god if you make us play that game with the paper again, I swear I won't hesitate to shoot you..." Dan threatens taking a sip from his newly opened beer bottle.

"Okay, rude, but i thought we could play LIFE and spice it up a bit." Phil says raising his eyebrows, in a really weird way, like let's be honest. Dan and I made eye contact and gave each other looks that said "oh shit"

"What do you mean by spice it up, Phil?" I asked giving him a confused, yet terrified look. Phil just rolls his eyes, as he laughs.

"We add alcohol to the mix, duh. So, say every time we land on a square and we haven't done it in real life we drink, kinda like a board game version of Never Have I Ever, but better." Everyone looked kind of worried, but at the same time, excited to get quietly smashed.

"Sounds great, i'm in!" one of Dan and Phil's friends proclaimed, practically yelling across the room, holding his beer up high. Well, I guess we're playing....

"Okay, let's start..."

Oh dear.......


"Dan! Your turn to spin!" Phil, who was basically sober, after coming up with plenty of arguments of how he has totally done loads of things in real life, proclaimed as a very drunk Dan spun the spinner thingy.

"6! One, two, threeeee, f-four, fiiiiive, and SIX! Wait, HAVE TWINS?! WHAT" Dan shouted in a drunken flurry of slurred words. I was pretty drunk too, so at this point I was just laughing at everything that happened around me.

"Hahahahaha twins, nice one! Time to drink up Howell!" I laughed as i slapped him on the arm,as he fake cried, before taking a drink. And in Dan's drunken state, he suddenly realised something.

"Wait, if i have twins, how am i going to tell them apart?" Dan asks, looking worried. Everyone just laughed at him, but Dan? Dan was super serious.

"Dan are you okay?" Phil asks, watching as his super drunk best friend starts having a mental break down over a make believe game, and make believe children.

"No. because I have twins and what if they're identical?! What if one of them is called Chloe and the other one is called Sarah and they both come to resent me because i couldn't tell them apart, i am such a bad dad, i don't want my kids to hate me" Dan cries with his head in hands as Phil pats his back. "What if my kids hate me because I can't tell them apart, and I don't even know where these twins came from because i didn't get married and i'm just a single dude with twins and I can't even tell which one's Chloe and which ones Sarah, and they're so beautiful and I can't tell them apart!"

"Dan, sweetie, it's okay, you're kids aren't going to hate you, they're going to love you!" I comforted him as he continued to cry about his make believe kids.

"For realsies? Because I really love Chloe and Sarah and I don't want them to hate me. And they don't even have a Mum and they need a Mum. Will you be their mum? Because they need a mum, and they need a mum that I love."

"Well who's that gonna be?" Dean (Dobbs) pipes up asking, as the whole room goes silent. As everyone just kinda looks at Dean weirdly as if he's on crack.

"Obviously the only fucking female in the room you dumbass!" Jack (Howard) slaps Dean on the arm as Dean sulks.

"Well, personally, I think it should be me, Because it's Dan and Phil, n-not and and...... Girl" Phil pipes up from his little spot on the couch.

"I wanna be the mother of Dan's children" Dean pipes in again.

"I think Dan should choose. They're his kids." You say, trying to settle the argument that's about to happen.

"Who do you choose?" Phil demands.

"Well I mean, obviously my girlfriend cruush. I love her, and the kids will love her, and she's my best friend after phil and boooooom! Decision maaaaade."

"Dan, sweetie, I think it's time to go to bed now" I say softly, coaxing him to go to bed.

"Woooo hear that losers? I'm getting laaaaaaid" Dan slurs, throwing his fists in the air as if he's just won a marathon

"But I wanted to be the mum" Dean sulks sadly in the corner, as Jack who sits beside him sighs and rolls his eyes at Dean.

"Nahhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm going to bed wiiiiiith mah giiiiirlfriiiiendd" Dan yells triumphantly

"I'm not your girlfriend sweetie. We aren't - we're not dating"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. We can discuss fantastics later........ Also do you wanna be my girlfriend?"


"She called me baby thats a yes!!" Dan beamed

"Dan, you're drunk. You don't know what you're saying. Just go to bed, and we'll talk about this in the morning." I tried reasoning with him in his drunken state.

"Okay, but you gotta promise me...." Dan held his pinky out, to do a pinky promise. Oh lord.

"Yes Dan, I promise. Now go to bed" I say pointing towards the door. He nods and gets up to leave towards his bedroom.

"Right, this has been a lovely night all, but Dean, we gotta go home." Jack says getting up off of his spot and grabbing his things around him.

"But i really wanted to be the mum...." Dean continues to sulk as Jack hits him on the back of the head.

"Dean shut the fuck up that joke is old now..."

"Y/N." Dan yells across the house. "You're sleeping here tonight. Right here." And I physically heard the mattress beside him get slapped.

Oh god. This is gunna be a looooong night. ;)

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