Fanfics I Almost Wrote: Part Two

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I think I should start naming this "fanfics I almost wrote but should probs write in the future because you guys want to read half of them" lol that's good though because half the time when I think of writing these fics I'm always like "nah that's over done" or "this just a bad idea" and occasionally "my writing just sucks"

Fanfics I almost wrote part 2

All You Had To Do Was Stay: I had actually already published a fanfic of the same name around about 2 1/2 years ago, but I wasn't happy with it so I took it down. And I intended for this one to be quite serious, but when I started re writing it this year, it wasn't going in the direction that I wanted it to, So i scraped it (edit: I ended up re writing it and it's exactly how I wanted)

Haunted: haunted was going to be about you and Dan moving out and living in a house that turns out to be haunted, and Dan not believing you, which puts a strain on your relationship. I initially wanted to write this because I was watching way too much ghost tv shows and movies

Ugh: I wanted to write 'ugh' about either you or Dan going through a cocaine addiction and helping the other one get through it, this one was going to be based off of the song 'Ugh' by The 1975

Robbers: based off of the song 'Robbers' by The 1975, this one was going to be about a toxic on again off again relationship with Dan, and how it impacts the both of you

Cinderella: Cinderella was going to be a fic about yours and Dans daughter growing up and going through different milestones, when at the end it's your daughters wedding and Dan has to cope with letting her go

Consideration: This one was going to be about you and Dan going through a nasty divorce and how the divorce affects your child and Dans relationship with the child

Still Falling For You: this one was going to be a series of flashbacks of your relationship with Dan, and even though the two of you had been together for years, you still fall in love with him even more, every single day

Wake Me Up: this one was going to be in Dans P.O.V, going through the emotions and thoughts about your relationship with him (trust me they were going to be nice and good thoughts) and him thinking about how much he loves you

All I Wanna Do: this one would've been the most unique one I've ever written I think. It's about meeting Dan, and then having a one night stand. In this one, after the one night stand, you realize that there's some sort of chemistry between the two of you, but you two barely knew each other, and it was only a one night stand. You end up leaving a note for him, telling him to not bother looking for you or anything like that. And then a few years pass and it turns out you got pregnant with his child and he ends up finding you and sees that you have a child and realizes that it's his, but it's too late because you're with someone else (and tbh I can't write smut to save my life so that's a factor in why I didn't write it)

Breaking Your Own Heart: back in the good ole days (probs like 2013) I wanted to write this for a different person I was writing fics about, and still 4 years later, I still find myself wanting to. But my plan was to have you and Dan as best friends, and Dan is too afraid to love someone, so you see him go through girls like he goes through underwear, and he always ends up breaking up with them because he's scared, when in fact he just wants to be loved. And then one night you're comforting him, and you give him some advice, and then you confess your feelings for him and tell him that he has to face his fears if he wants to reach his goal of love.

You Ruin Me: 'You Ruin Me' by the Veronica's came out at the time that I found out my boyfriend at the time had been cheating on me, and ever since then I wanted to write something based off of the lyrics, but I could never bring myself to just incase it brought up some painful memories

Green Light: I think 'Green Light' by Lorde is relatable to anyone that has ever been in a relationship that's ended. And that's why I wanted to write something angsty about you not being able to let go of your past with Dan, despite how hard you try and how much you wish you could.

Jealous: Jealous by Labrinth perfectly captures how you feel after a devastating break up and finding out your ex is very much happy while you're not. I wanted to write the is your P.O.V because I only ever see fics like these in dans P.O.V

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