Fetch Pt 2

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A/N: part two because i sometimes listen to demands lmao (also merry christmas you little shits i love you guys stay safe these holidays)

Genre: who even cares?

Pairing: Dan x Reader (as usual since this is an x reader book)

Word Count: 926 words

Your P.O.V

"Dan?" I questioned, not being able to believe my eyes.

"Yeah? Poppy saw me walking past the park and ran up to say hello, took her almost the whole block to catch up so by the time I realised you weren't with her I had no idea where to take her. She knew the way, practically dragged me back here to you. Not that she needed to drag me" Dan explained trailing off.

I was struck with so many emotions, relief that Poppy was safe. Followed by the guilt and discomfort of speaking to an ex, especially one I I still held dear to me, slowly giving way to the fear. The fear of looking him in the eyes. The fear of what he had heard while my thoughts dripped from my lips unfiltered. The fear of what he would say. The fear of what he had to say to me after what had happened. So much fear. How would he react to seeing me? The pit of my heartbreak was amplified, and nothing was getting better anytime soon. And then sadness, knowing that I just feared the man I love knowing full well he wouldn't be any type of rude or irrational, knowing that this man, the man I loved, would almost certainly not want to see me again after this encounter.

"Thank you for bringing her back." I said unable to make eye contact

"So about this homelessness situation. Whats going on?" He asked, in a worrisome tone. I sighed internally, not really wanting to touch on this subject

"I think you got the gist of it." I replied, voice cracking a little as the fear began to resurface.

"Yes but why didn't you tell me?" Dan pressed on the matter, and I looked up at him, and just shrugged my shoulders.

"Kinda awkward don't you think."

Dan took a seat next to me and Poppy went to play with a Great Dane that had just arrived.

"About that night-" He started and I groaned. "It had to come up, especially if that's why you wouldn't tell me about this." I couldn't speak. I couldn't face him. There were too many emotions hurricaning themselves in my head.

"I know it's brash for me to say, especially now, but I've missed you." I looked at him, confused as to why he would miss someone like me. "I think about you every day. I wish I could say it isn't true but it is. I know you were going through some things at the time and-"

"Dan." I interrupted "I miss you too. I regret everything I did, I was scared, everything was scary. It was too fast, too slow and too good. I didn't know what I wanted, I still don't but I didn't want to be happy.I was scared that if I was too happy for too long it would all cave in on me. I didn't feel like I deserved it, but I was wrong. I need you. I want you back. I know I was wrong and I don't want to feel like this again." I was crying again by this point and Dan moved closer and held me as I did.

"Shh. I know" he said consoling me

"You don't want me back" I cried, "I don't even blame you."

"Come here baby" he said calmly, holding me tighter and stroking my hair "I'm not going anywhere. I love you. I'll always love you."

"Daniel?" I asked, sniffing and wiping the tears from my eyes as I was beginning to calm down

"Yes Princess?"

I toyed with the words in my head contemplating exposing my thoughts to him, so rawly, so publicly and while I was so emotionally drained. But I couldn't, I needed something, some confirmation , some, thing. Something. I wasn't risking a rejection. I wasn't risking misreading the signs of a polite gesture between two old friends. He said he loved me, but friends love eachother. Or maybe he was playing me entirely.
He wasn't. I knew it.

"The latch won't close without you. In the bedroom. It's stuck." I said and I watched some of the hope he had fade from his eyes, and as much as I hate to test him, that shift to slight sadness was my something. All the confirmation I needed.

"Yeah sure." He said with a fake smile.

"Oh and Dan?" I followed and he glanced over at me.

"Will you come back? Please?" I say, voice almost catching in my throat.

He smiled, first so sadly, then quickly shifting to so warm, so happy so full of that hope I had just watched leave him. He pulled me in even tighter than before that I was sitting on him now and the world that had previously seemed bleak had taken on a faint shimmer of colour. I couldn't help but smile in response. He was so happy to be with me, that I almost didn't realise how happy I was to be reunited with him also.

"Of course. On one condition." He said coyish, a smile tugging the corners of his perfectly plush lips.

"What is it?" I say concerned, my anxiety levels rising yet again.

"Poppy's going to be exhausted, I'm not carrying her if she decides to nap on the way home."

I giggle and we get up to leave.


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