Everything You Are

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Everything You Are

Genre: Angst

Song used: Everything You Are -Ed Sheeran

Word Count: 630 words

No One's P.O.V

The whole place was erupting in screams. Dan and Phil walked out on stage with microphones in each of their hands. Phil looked happy, but Dan looked exceptionally sad, he was broken. His heart was broken and there was nothing he could do about it. Nobody broke his heart, but infact, he broke his own heart. He left the girl he really truly loved. Why? Dan doesn't even know the reason why himself. All his fans knew what happened, and they were all pretty bummed for him. He takes a deep breath in, and slowly exhales out, waiting for the crowd to settle down slowly so that they could introduce the next act. He asks the crowd how they're doing, they reply with a chorus of screams. Happy screams, ecstatic screams. It seemed that everybody was happy, except for him.

He was broken. It didn't take a psychologist to know what was wrong with him, everybody could tell that he was struggling, that he regretted his actions. He clears his throat, trying to think of some words to say, to introduce the next amazingly talented artist..

"This next artist is incredibly talented and right now his songs are my life." Dan nervously laughed "I want everyone to give a warm welcome to Mr. Ed Sheeran!" Dan and Phil yell into the microphones at the same time. They walk off stage as Ed Sheeran walks on. Ed Sheeran introduces his song, and it's different. It isn't a single or anything, but Dan knows this song. Dan has had this song on repeat since he left her.

"I didn't mean to break your heart, i was just lonely and everybody falls apart sometimes. I know you found another one, but won't you just hold me tonight?".

"I wish i never called you up, but nobody told me, and they don't know we don't speak anymore. So take a good look at us. Won't you just hold me tonight?" Half of the crowd sung along while the other half stayed quite mute, listening to the lyrics closely, almost analyzing them.

"Oh i will stop trying to fall in love again, and keep it a secret. It never works out anyways. But I am not, anything like i was, cause you are the only one for me. Cause maybe i don't wanna lose a lover and a friend in one night, if that's alright, i shouldn't have fucked with your mind, and your life, too many times. And maybe i don't wanna be lonely, darling you are my only love. Behind my truth lies, everything you are." The chorus told a story. To Dan, the chorus told a story of what he was going through at this very moment. It's almost like the song was written for him, for her.

"When i see my future, it is with you, and we'll get there. And I want my children to be with you, and we'll get there" Dan still didn't know why he ended a really great relationship in the first place. Maybe it was because of the pressure to get married? Or the fans? Or just something out of impulse. Whatever the reason, Dan really does regret it. Ed finishes off the song, says thank you to the crowd and walks off stage, to get ready for his next song, basically an intermission for the crowd.

Dan felt like he really fucked up. He checked his phone to see if there was anything, from her. Nada. He scrolls to her contact name and opens it up, typing a quick message

"Darling you are my only love, behind my truth lies everything you are"

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