sHE'S brOKen

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A/N: holy shitballs 3k away from 100k reads!!! THANK YOU (also yes im publishing an imagine ive written for someone else dont judge me)

Genre: Angst

Word Count: 1025 words

Pairing: Dan x Female Reader

Third Person P.O.V

"Somewhere deep inside I still have the hope that you'll fall in love with me, how pathetic right?"

Another story of a girl meeting a boy. How cliche right? Another story of the girl getting destroyed. But there seems to be a lot more to this cliche story, of a girl meeting a boy and ultimately getting destroyed.

It was autumn, the season of the leaves changing colour and falling to the ground like pieces into place, autumn almost seemed perfect for some people, but for the girl it wasn't. The girl was (Y/N), and she was destined to fall in love with someone who would never love her back. Sounds familiar right? But it happened.

The boy was Daniel Howell, the boy with the perfect brown eyes, and the curly brown hair that seemed to lay perfectly on his head, without him even trying. Dan and (Y/N) had known each other for a few years, and had friendship that seemed unbreakable. They made a promise that whatever happens in their lives, they would always be there for one another. That was just another promise, a promise that ultimately broke in two.

Dan and (Y/N) ended up having a complicated kind of friendship. They just seemed to be in the right place at the right time, and one thing lead to another, and just like that, they were friends with benefits. It almost seemed like whenever they were together, they were just meant to be; at least, that's what (Y/N) was thinking.

And she fell for Dan, and she fell hard. Something she had promised herself she'd never do, happened; and just like that, there goes another promise broken into two. She knew Dan would never love her back, but she couldn't help how she felt. And like that, she continued to fall deeper and deeper.

She never wanted to love him, and she definitely never planned on falling in love with him, but somethings happen, and there's just somethings you can't change, for better or for worse.

She could feel herself breaking every time she was intimate with Dan, and she knew, he was perfectly okay, perfectly content with their arrangement, and he hadn't the slightest idea of her feelings, and how much she was breaking down inside.

Because to her, Dan was everything she could want, he was like the ocean waves, that are so pretty to look at. Dan was like an ocean wave. He was full of life, much like the ocean. And Dan had his up and down moments, quite like an ocean wave, but he was this wave, and she was just choking and drowning in him.

And even though she knew that there would never be a chance that Dan would ever love her the way she loved him, she still hoped, that maybe, maybe a miracle might occur, and they would then fall in love. But this isn't a movie right? Because it only ever happens in movies, right?

She decided to go and pay Dan a visit, to let her frustrations out, let's say. But not everything can go to plan. It was almost like the world had it in for her. Nothing could ever go right, in some sort of sense, the world just seemed to have a plan to break her further.

Dan had given her a key, before this complicated relationship they had, because they were basically best friends, and he wanted for her to feel welcome in and to his shared flat.

And that's when she saw it. Dan cuddling on the couch with someone else. Someone else that wasn't her, and just like that, the dagger that had already stabbed her in the heart a while ago, just got deeper and deeper. They hadn't noticed her standing there, with tears stinging her eyes, threatening to cascade down her face, holding her breath like she was scared to breathe, but in that moment, all she wanted was to fade away.

The thoughts of 'this can't be real' and 'he would've told me' go through her head as she tries to make sense of the situation. But she couldn't and she felt numb. And in that moment, she catches Dan's eye, and he breaks apart from the girl sitting on the sofa with him.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Dan asks, out of curiosity. It wasn't meant to come out as a mean question, but that's all (Y/N) could take it as.

"I was just leaving." And right then, in that moment, the tears fall from her eyes. She could no longer hold it in anymore, the dam was breaking, breaking like her heart.

She hurries out, Dan following behind, asking question in a flurry of confusion. He had so many questions for her, but the only one racing through his mind is of course 'What's wrong?'

"(Y/N), please tell me what's wrong!?" Dan grabs her by the arm, trying to stop her from walking out. She turns to face him, eyes red and puffy, her cheeks glistening with tears that stream down her face.

"You know what Dan, this whole thing is pathetic. I'm pathetic" She cries, broken inside. Hoping to fade away soon, fade away from the situation, fade away from this place, just fade away.

"What do you mean (Y/N)? You're not pathetic, you're one of my best friends why would you say that about yourself?" Dan tries consoling her, not knowing that what he was saying, was actually making the situation worse.

"It's pathetic, because somewhere deep inside, I still had hope that you would fall in love with me. How pathetic right" and right then, her feelings are confessed, and just like that she walks away. Leaving Dan confused. Leaving Dan wondering why, why she would fall in love with him, wonder how she would fall in love with him.

But it's okay, because Dan will be okay, with the girl he had wrapped up in his arms. Dan's okay, but (Y/N), she's officially broken, and just like that, she drowned.

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