Begin Again

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A/N: I think you can guess by the title what this is about. I feel like I'm 3 years late in writing something based off the song, but oh well. I thought I should do a fluffy imagine, considering I haven't done one in a while (i believe I haven't. I'm sorry, don't hate me) But I thought this song would be really good to base an imagine off of (if that made sense, I don't even know anymore) So yeah, I hope you guys enjoy it :) and give me some feedback, good or bad. Comment, Vote and do all of that :)

Genre: Fluff

Word count: 1353 words

"And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid. I think it's strange that you think I'm funny, cause he never did. I've been spending the last 8 months, thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end. But on a Wednesday in a cafe, I watched it begin again."

Your. P.O.V

I take a deep breath in as I look at my reflection on the other side of the mirror and my mind somehow always wonders to the guy that broke my heart, my ex boyfriend 'he never liked it when I wore high heels' but it he doesn't matter. it's not about him right now, I like wearing heels. I exit my room and soon I'm exiting my house. I turn the lock in my door to lock it, and then put my headphones one, playing one of my favourite songs 'he always said he didn't get this song...' my subconscious goes back to him, and I have to once again tell myself that this is not about him. I get in my car and I start making my way to this cafe for a date.

*Time skip to cafe because i cbf*

I walked in expecting him to be late, but he's not. He's right there and he's standing and waving at me. I go up to him and shake his hand, introducing myself.

"Hey, you must be Dan. I'm (Y/N)" I say with a smile. He was really good looking, but that's beside the point. He smiles at me and his smile is just beautiful. He's beautiful.

"Hi (Y/n), it's so lovely to meet you." Dan leads me over to my chair and he pulls it out for me, and helps me into it. I blush at his actions. He has no idea how nice that is for me, but I do. I thank him and I wait for him to sit down. As soon as he sits down and gets comfortable in his seat, he smiles at me.

"So (y/n), tell me more about yourself." He says, looking directly into my eyes.

"Well, ummmm...."


"Oh my god? How many do you have?" Dan asks me intrigued. He brought up the fact that his parents have a lot of James Taylor records, and well, so do i.

"I uh, I-I have quite a lot" I shyly answer. "It's almost uncountable."

"I have never met one girl, with that much James Taylor records." Dan says fascinated. I nod extremely shy, considering I hadn't come out of my shell yet.

Dan tells me stories about his travels and experiences, he tells me about his career and how much opportunities he's been able to have because of his career choice. He tells me stories about what him and his flatmate, Phil get up to on a daily basis, which isn't much, but his voice is fascinating, and I'm too shy to talk. And he seems to have picked up on that 

"Hey you alright? You seem kind of shy" Dan asks concerned. I nod and give him a quick 'I'm fine' with a smile on my face. "Okay then, so enough about me. What are some adventures that you've had?"

I tell Dan this one particular story about how one time I went paddle boating on a lake with my friends, and how me and my friends were singing songs at the top of our lungs and how these tourists and an old couple applauded us, and also how I fell in the lake when I was trying to get out of said paddle boat. (a/n: this actually happened to me guys and it was hilarious 10/10) and he threw his head back laughing, he looked like a little kid.

It's strange how he thinks that, that's funny, that I'm funny, because my ex never did 'remember, you're here with Dan. It's not about him. Stop thinking about him. Stop comparing him to Dan.'  my brain tells me.

A little while later, we decide to wrap up our date, and being the gentleman that he is, Dan decided that he wanted to walk me to my car. It was just down the block.

"I had fun. Thank you for spending your Wednesday afternoon with me" Dan says endearingly with a smile. I smile back, still a little bit shy.

"Thank you too, Dan. I also had fun, you know my uh-, ahhh never mind. I had fun, and that is whats important" I say, flustered looking to the ground. I cant believe I almost brought him up.

"Here's a question for you. What kinda movies do you watch? Whenever I go home for Christmas or  something, we all get together in the lounge and watch cliche Christmas movies." Dan asks and then rambles on. I smile at him and he also gets a bit flustered. "I'm sorry, that bit of information was quite unnecessary." He says nervously. I smile a reassuring smile at him before talking.

"Hey, it's okay. I love the fact that you and your family do that, it's cute. Also, I love horrors, honestly. The adrenaline I get while watching them is so amazing so yeah." I say, with a giggle. I wasn't really into chick flicks. Well, I was, but horror movies are way better, in my opinion. Dan laughs and nods agreeing with my opinion on horror movies.

"Well, It's a good thing I asked that question, because I was wondering if you wanted to go and see a movie next week? Preferably a horror movie. You know, that is if you wanted to go on a second date?" Dan asks awkwardly and nervously, for about the billionth time tonight, I smiled. But I could feel my smile beginning to feel more and more genuine as the night went on.

I loved being with Dan tonight, he is absolutely amazing. He's so sweet but awkward and he has done a lot of amazing things in his life. I cant help but feel proud of all of his achievements.

"I would love to go on a second date with you, Dan." I say, and I watch the expression on his face go from awkwardness, to relief. He leans down and kisses me on the cheek.

"Meet me here, same day and same time, next week." He smiles while blushing and walks off.

For the last eight months, I had no idea how people could fall for other people. Love always hurt you, all love ever did was break, burn and end. I didn't think I could find love again. But ironically enough, on a Wednesday, in a small cafe, I watched it Begin Again.

P.S who wants to hear the story about me falling in the lake? No one? Too bad. So, my school let us students have the day off, for something we call 'Academic Planning' (you basically sit with your form teacher and discuss your school progress v boring, would not recommend) And me and a few friends decided to go paddle boating (which was also v tiring, it's sore on your legs) and we were there for about an hour and a half, me and my friend I was on the boat with sung some songs (gained some applause from strangers.) and when we headed back to the dock, my friend got out, and the boat was shaking, and as it was shaking, I decided to get up, and I fell in the lake. Everyone laughed (even me tbh)

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