Unfulfilled Ships

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A/N: Hey guys, so this one's a bit personal. Believe it or not, it's actually a situation that I'm in and it's a really weird situation to be in. I hope you guys like this one.

Prompt: You and Dan used to be in a ship together, and you found yourself falling for Dan. But then people started to ship him with one of your best friends.

Genre: kinda sad i think

Word Count: 1424 words

Your P.O.V

A few weeks ago, my friends were basically shouting in my ear to ask Dan out. You know, Dan? Dan Howell? Danisnotonfire. YouTube sensation, has about 5 million subscribers, known for being awkward. Yeah him. Anyways, Dan and I go way back, not actually, we met at the beginning of this year and my friends automatically shipped us together. Cool right? No. Not for me. As time went on the ship became weaker. And as the ship became weaker, I started to develop feelings for him. And these feelings just became stronger and stronger. I think i started to realize these feelings when the ship became weaker because of the fact that nobody was shoving the thought of us being together down my throat.

And now..... he's shipped with someone else. And that someone else is actually one of my best friend's, Olive. I mean, I shouldn't have a problem with it right? It's just a stupid little ship right? Wrong. Absolutely wrong. The fans are in on #Dalive. But that doesn't give me the right to be jealous. What does give me the right to be jealous is when everybody talks about how cute they would be together and how they have to do everything together and how one of them has to grow some balls and muster up the courage to ask the other one out. And it seems that, that's all they talk about, and its all they talk about around me.

And now, it feels like Olive might actually have a shot with Dan. Don't get me wrong, i'd be happy for her if she did, but at the same time i'd feel so broken. When #Dalive became a thing, i always said to myself that if Olive had feelings for him, then i would back off, and now that i think about it, it doesn't seem fair on me.

As i lay in bed, wallowing in my self pity, i hear my phone blasting 'Girls' by The 1975, notifying me of an incoming phone call. I look at the caller I.D to see that it's one of my good friends, Jess.

"Hey Jess!" I say with fake enthusiasm

"Hey (y/n)! So, Olive and I were wondering if you wanted to come and watch a movie tonight? We really want you to come!" I contemplate it for a few seconds, and just as I was about to say yes, Jess quickly adds to her sentence. "Dan's gonna be there..." and like that my mind had been changed. I'd rather save myself the embarrassment and heartbreak thank you very much.

"I uh, I can't. I have no money till Tuesday." I lied. I really didn't want be there. How are they even getting Dan to go and hang out with them anyways? He hardly ever says yes when I ask him if he wants to come over and do something, he always says something along the lines of 'but then I'd have to leave the house and I'm not prepared for that, but we can watch movies here if you like?' I always end up saying no anyways and just sit there and do nothing.

"Are you sure? I can pay for you, you always buy me stuff. Please? I really don't want to be a third wheel around them." Jess sounded so desperate i almost said yes. But i didn't

"Sorry Jess, but I can't let you do that. I'll see you sometime soon."

"That's okay, I'll see if Ronnie can come. See ya (y/n)!" Jess says and then hangs up.

I decide to scroll through tumblr for a little bit when my phone chimes, indicating that I have a text message, from Dan? My heart beats a little bit faster seeing his name on my screen.

From: Dan
To: (y/n)
Hey (y/n), Are you coming to watch a movie at the cinema tonight?

I was about to change my mind once again and say yes, because by the looks of that text, he might've wanted me to be there, but then I remembered, he's my friend and probably just wants to know if I'm gonna be there or not

From: (Y/n)
To: Dan
Hey Dan, no I'm not. I have no money until Tuesday. Jess offered to pay, but nah, I can't.

From: Dan
To: (Y/n)
Damn, I guess I'll see you sometime soon then.

I lay in bed contemplating whether or not to show up, but then, If i went, it would seem and feel like everyone was dangling Dan in front of me, and there would be nothing i could do about it.

A few days later, I get a mysterious knock on my door. I groan and walk down stairs to the front door, to see Dan standing there, looking nervous

"Hey Dan, you okay?" I ask, concerned. He just looks around his surroundings and basically pushes himself into the apartment.

"I have to tell you something" He blurts out, saying his words faster than he usually would. I give him a look that basically says 'come on then, tell me!' He looks down at the ground nervously. My hearts beating faster with every second that's passing. "Oh god, this is so hard for me to say."

"Dan! Just say it already!" I yell, growing impatient and curious

"Okay! Okay, I like Olive, a lot. I like her more than a friend, and I don't know what I should do. I haven't felt this way about anyone in while, and its driving me crazy." And like that, it felt like the world stopped and my heart shattered like glass. I feel like an idiot for ever thinking that I would ever have a shot with him.

"You like Olive? I KNEW IT!" I try and play it off like a friend that's actually really happy for him. And I am, I am happy for him, I just, I'm heartbroken at the same time.

"Has it been that obvious?" He questions. No, it actually hasn't. "Can you like, give me some advice or something? I don't know what to do."

"Here is what you do, Daniel. You tell her. Chances are she likes you back. And if she doesn't, i have tubs of ice cream and a stack of DVD's to help." The ice cream and DVD's are my personal pick-me-up food. It hasn't helped, but it is a good excuse to eat a lot of ice cream and watch a lot of DVDs

"You're right. I'll give her a call right now."

"Don't call her! You have to tell her to her face! DO YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT GIRLS?!"

"No, that's why i came to you. You're one of my best friends and i know you wouldn't have acted weird when I told you I like Olive." And now I know what kind of friend I am to him. I'm that friend that he will come to looking for advice, when he's having trouble with girls. And when a girl breaks up with him, he's gonna cry on my shoulder. I'm simply just his best friend, and that's all I'll ever be.

"Go over to her flat and tell her. If you don't then I will. And i don't think she'd be happy about that." I smirk at Dan. He smiles and nods his head, bringing me into a huge intoxicating hug, whispering 'thank-you' over again in my ear.

And when he leaves, I sit down on the floor and think. I can't cry, all I can do is think about how happy he looked when I said Olive will most probably like him back, which I know she does. I think about how happy they're gonna be together.

If I really like him, or even love him, I want him to be happy right? Even if it's not with me.... And i don't know if I will ever be okay with it, but right now, I can at least accept it.

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